šŸŸ (Done) Forum Run: Glory of the Eternal Raider

I struggle to remember any events that arenā€™t on the in game calendar too.

Sorry you missed out.

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Thatā€™s not the mount, is it? Mine is all grey, not gold.

That is the mount, the bottom is grey and our screenshot was taken at night.

Ah yes, I was looking at its bottom side :smiley:

I hear some men like bottoms


This comment appeared just as I reached the end of the thread.

You called?


I hope the macros helped out some and sorry to miss last night lots going on atm .

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No problem, as I said, we have a few that missed yesterday, I wouldnā€™t mind going to do the last 3 again.

So far itā€™s Leroch, Serena and you. Plus me joining itā€™s 4. If we find another 6, weā€™ll go do the last 3 again. :slight_smile:

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Yes, it was a lot easier with the macros

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Iā€™ll join too


I can join up again to help out if nothing else comes up for me. :slight_smile:


I am fine thank you but thank you very much for offer :kissing_heart:

Hey, itā€™s a free mount, and it looks very nice.

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Just glad in could help in some small way in first raid and with macroā€™s really nice to see screen shots and good to hear you had fun .

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Mark me down as well thank you


We can just do it whenever you have free time, so just make another poll.


Iā€™ll try to reach everyone tomorrow and figure out when :slight_smile: then Iā€™ll add a poll


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