I want to sink more time into this game through alts but its not worth it with this essence system
Thanks for the shoutout, much appreciated. I believe its the persons decision to make a post or not. Hey if we have a post about this everyday we might make a change
funny thing is you can get faster arena rating ,max ilvl m+ weekly chest and curve done than outdated content essences because they are timegated
I don’t agree with the essence system and I also want it to be account wide.
But, I strongly believe alts don’t require the best essences available in order to be enjoyed. It’s an alt, making 2% less damage is not a big deal.
My alts usually all get the easy to obtain ones. Crucible, Beam, Worldvein, some of the 8.3 essences. At least for me, they’re good enough on alts.
But still, I’m not disagreeing. They should be account wide. I’d love to have lucid dreams and null barrier on my warrior. But the headache of grinding Nazjatar and Mechagon again… :’( - what I’m trying to say is, don’t let the lack of essences get in the way of enjoying your alts anyways
I think it takes less time to just play the game and get the essences you want instead of waiting for them to be made accountwide.
I also suspect they won’t put any additional development effort into BFA now that the Shadowlands beta is about to start
Essences are small time, getting all that useful corruption is where the real grind is at.
As for essences, there has been an outcry for a while now. It is in same scenario as PvP - being they don’t care to change it, live with it or jog on.
Its fine i can skip that. thats why we ask for it, cause its too painful and demotevating
There are higjer chances someone is geting baned on forums for spaming than this actualy working and making difference. But GL tho, would be nice…
if theres a chance it will happen, i will make the sacrifice
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