😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Cant wait for Ulduar in the inevitable wotlk classic

Are you planning on reliving Wotlk?

Like the poster above said, it’s inevitable.

Last heart-shaped box opened, last atom of hope dashed for another year.


From what I’ve seen so far, random battlegrounds seem to be far more toxic on the Horde than on the Alliance. It’s unfortunate. :frowning:

At least Epic Battlegrounds are chill.

not really. Im just going to leave the past in the past. most of my cousins arent coming back anyway.

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Another episode of breaking mailboxes :rofl:

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Logged back into WoW last night for the first time in months and got dragged into a +15

We timed it but I am not back into the swing of things yet :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Cancerous TSM-goblins undercutting by 1 gold who in addition adds a bid mode on 95% of the buyout. Even when relisting one have to set buyout to a lower price than their bid - for every single item where this cancerous behaviour is happening.


the fact that there is no eyewear slot so one has the choose between wearing an eyepatch or a hat… :anguished:


This definitely needs sorting, especially since they added the new glasses/sunglasses! Imagine the glasses with a top hat :heart_eyes:

Also fix the hat hair situation! I don’t wanna be bald if I wear a hat/helm


thanks to the ingame store change i found i can access it
the old one i couldnt because something something"parental controls" disabled it
i dont use it but it feels good that icon is available to me now haha

The bulk transfer thing… For the love of Thrall just open up FREE realm transfers for dead servers when it’s your fault they’re empty in the first place.

If you can do it for classic you can do it for retail.


That really needs fixing, so few hats allow you to actually have hair.


Yes, a few and probably only for clothies.
Pls, blizzard, at least add some cosmetic things like the shoes for trolls, that have some hair attached or our hair…


This is the first time in months I’ve wanted to log on :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I have to wait Till 14 o clock to play :frowning:


The ban of Daestra
I miss having hearts from my fellow voidy :pensive:


She can still heart you even when banned, but no messages :frowning:


Forgot to use up my valor on three characters :pouting_cat:

Trying to do LFR on a Tuesday is a really bad idea.