😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

We had amber-level weather warnings and public transport being cancelled
yet I felt it was somewhat anti-climatic in impact as a ‘storm’.

Maybe because I’m used to Scotland’s four-seasons-in-one-day type of weather! :upside_down_face:

Yesterday’s wind was just the support act- the headline act is tomorrow through all weekend according to weather forecast.
@Garaidh- might be an idea to secure everything as you are in Scotland, looks like you guys are gonna get a right battering from it

Not only is my realm’s AH useless both for buying and selling, but we don’t even get boost messages in Trade.

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A lot of the time in SW or Oribos my character is invisible along with every other NPC for about 2 mins. Why it take so long to lad in. It is a bit like Dalaran the old one, when it was live. Earlier I entered the crown co. encounter and couldn’t even see them. the other guys killed them before they even became visible and I still got the heart shaped box. Wasn’t fair on them or me.

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Think I escaped the worst of it
seems to be other parts more badly affected. The next storm tomorrow is meant to bring snow. Least it keeps the week varied! :rofl:

We are on a red weather alert here and they’ve closed all the schools tomorrow

I kind of think by the morning it will be downgraded and all this fuss will be the joke of the local facebook pages for the next week or two.

Players going afk during the Crown Chemical Co dungeon. It’s not going to go faster when you are just standing afk. :rage:

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I asked my cat if I could get a cockatoo. She replied with a slap to my face.

Then I went back to play Wow


Most of them even manages to get their eyes back on the screen before we can vote-kick them, meaning they get an effortless chance for the mount

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My laziness towards Tazavesh

The day that dungeon came out i knew i have to unlock it and do it once maybe to get a grip, because i knew it will be separated in 2 mythic versions, but here i am not done even the quest.

Goodbye, red ksm mount, didnt have the chance to ride you :laughing::laughing::laughing:


Opened 25 heart-shaped boxes and got dust


Yup, where is even Tazavesh? :laughing: (Really now)

But if I managed to clear Mech Junkyard and Workshop alike at ~12, so can I do this one.

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Discovering that wowhead says “you must land the killing blow” to loot lovely charms.

Thanks for an event where healers need not apply. That would explain why I have the collector’s kit, and not a single one in my bags after 2 days of dungeon levelling. Absolutely marvellous programming there, Blizz. Marvellous.

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Sometimes it takes so long to load in that they don’t even appear so they can’t be targeted. Super annoying as they go down so fast. That is the reason for some people looking like they are AFK.

Reaching lvl 50 on the 2nd shammy I made.

Well, not because I have to level in SL now (but I guess Torg gives it a spice), but because I wanted to finish the BfA leveling chapters.
What I managed to do in 40 levels was all of Drustvar, 3/8 Stormsong and all of Tiragarde, barring Anglepoint Wharf (because of the insane zone lags, at least in AD).

I forgot how simple and
 fun these zones were. I loved the closeness of the sea, and all the marines. Granted, not a Stranglethorn Vale, but still pretty. :purple_heart:

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Can’t decide wether I should be playing shaman, priest, paladin or druid in 9.2 as the first character.

Reading the advice to sell the Valor points before the reset and seeing on some chars I am just under the amount to buy some mats /meh!

 role on the couple of silver with their exchange!

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It is the last day of Love in the Air, and I have 649 Love Tokens I cannot use despite the vendors having plenty of collectables I want. And in some hours they will vanish. :tired_face:

Why can’t they be a currency kind of currency or at least be Bound on Account?

. It’s been 4 months since I left wow, and honestly I feel great. It’s when I started playing other games that I realized what a chore wow was. How it wasn’t for me.

This made me frown as I started thinking back on what made me join wow in the first place back in WOTLK, and it’s these videos right here. These silly machinima videos. I just started watching them and crying thinking back to the good old days when I played with my cousins and friends. All them of quit since after Pandaria and I was the only one stuck in the past. I too have moved on, and it’s sad just thinking about it. But I’m happy to all those who still find joy within the game, and I truely wish the game will get back on its feet by next expansion

Anyway here are the videos I watched that made me frown