šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Well if the mods did there job quicker and see people are upset over a loved one passing putting up with disrespectful trash i wouldnt have lost my temper in sadness and grief.

People then upvoting the comments should be banned aswell

Should all be ashamed.


how can mirrors be real if our eyes arent real

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All the Russian topics are making me frownā€¦ its hurting my face


Maybe stop hitting yourself!

For real tho, Iā€™ve put 'em all on mute so I donā€™t have to see it.


Sometimes being here is just like hitting yourself :thinking:


Someone with an ugly transmog, the basic starter SL ugly gearā€¦ on the Big Love Rocket. THE AUDACITY.


Iā€™m beginning to realise that most of the players here, donā€™t really enjoy playing World Of Warcraft anymoreā€¦ not as whole game anyway.

The game has become segretated into little exclusive sections. And the key element, the root of the game and what ties all the mini-games together seems so universally disliked that players feel they canā€™t do it until they have the ability to skip it.

Itā€™s such a shame. I think itā€™s best if the game is split up into separate games.

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Blizz should put brain in the shop.
Come here, we have plenty, come now.


Spent 20 minutes trying to find the last teleport pad for the treasure inside one of the structures in Zereth Mortis and gave up. Not only could I not find the thing, but also the mobs kept respawning almost every minute or two. And I couldnā€™t ignore them, because they hit like a truckā€¦

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Havenā€™t they deleted them already???
Wth are those topics doing here anyways, starting a virtual war against one another.
On the NA forum i didnt see a single one though.

They arenā€™t deleted, but theyā€™re locked and hidden.

Nice then.

What makes me frown?

How blizzard is extremely political to opress hong kong players, does nothing with the russian agressors (despite sanctions) and seems to fragrantly be just as much set on inexcusible choices and behavior as they have been in the past.

Thatā€™s what makes me frown.

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A player in Brigs thread spamming inane posts wrecking a wholesome thread for a person the majority of us here loved a great deal.


Itā€™s quite unfortunate. I strongly suggest paying him no mind. Iā€™m not quite sure what heā€™s trying to achieve with this, but itā€™s not really something worth getting upset about. I hope the farewell ceremony will go well. :slight_smile:


The moderation in this forum is so abysmal it took 11 days to lock and unlist a political thread that has no place here and it only really happened because people started spamming the forum with similar threads.


In one BG, we had one rogue saying Alliance is Russian so we (was playing my Orc Hunter) HAVE to winā€¦ I mean keep politics out of the game maybe?

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Not today, but sometime last week during my banā€¦

That mean Smurcorc - I waved to him inside a LFR, and he didnt even care!


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I wanted to play a bit today but I didnā€™t sleep well and my head is killing me.

Fished up the Deepstar Aurelid mount after some 1400 castsā€¦ but thatā€™s good right?

Nope, Mount is bugged and doesnā€™t have Ground Speed in zones there flying is turned off. All that work for a Walking Speed mount xD.

How longer were they testing this patch? Bad Blizz!