😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Probably because aquatic mounts don’t require a riding skill like the sea turtle which also doesn’t increase speed on land. Personally I’d be happy to get an aquatic mount that doesn’t dismount whenever at the surface or jumping out of the water for them no flying zones.

My electric ran out just as I was about to log in and I had to go to the shop. Then I took my gas card instead and had to return and get the correct card. :frowning:


But when you’re in a Flying Zone it gains both a Flying Buff of 310% and Ground Speed of 100%, along with the 100% Swim.

It’s just when outside of a Flying Zone, it only has 100% Swim.

I doubt that’s intentional.

Getting a message that my post is flagged
Cant even see which post was flagged and deleted from that link.
Ya, maybe I won’t bother writing different opinions in here since there is no such thing as a different opinion, nope, flagged and deleted

I think my flagged post is related to this person, that everybody reports, but me, you and others end flagged and banned instead of you know
Just dont bother…
I wont write a single word anymore, if someone thinks my posts are offensive, lol


Or you can do like Dae and I, give zero f**ks and know that snowflakes will cry about someone thinking differently. Just makes you the more likable person in the scenario. xD


But these people keep writing and posting, and we end banned or flagged, so there is not much sense in continuing :upside_down_face:

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I love sharing my difference of opinion, and I love to defend them when people disagree. A small disagreement is fine. But when somebody tries to put you down for your difference of opinion (which seems to be the default action on these forums) is when the fun starts imo.

Not seen any flags yet, but did get a Trust promotion :slight_smile:

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Perhaps, but I’ll never let dipsticks get away with being dipsticks. :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s just the majority thinks other way, so okay, it’s not my fault, let them live in their bubble. :wink:


The minority of metal fans likes black metal - doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop listening to it. And anyone who think its garbage (outside NSBM) is wrong! :grin:

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Having to farm Edra on my monk for the polearm. Takes a while to find a group for that specific rare and never seen him spawn on my layer.

I am confused somebody flagged one of your posts any idea which one ? :frowning:


Difference of opinions is what good conversations are based on but both “sides” of these forums (those who troll everyone and those who complain about the trolls) can be just as bad as each other. I’ve seen so many forum posts being derailed by trolls and then continued for even longer by those reacting to the trolls, and becoming increasingly more fired up to the point they’re just as bad if not worse. It makes the forums exhausting to read when good topics end up becoming utter nonsense and overly-dramatic.

Blizzard need to introduce Battlenet accounts to forums, more effective moderation, and clear the forums so everyone is back on an even playing field…and people need to learn not to react to everything as that’s exactly what fuels the very thing that irritates them.


The link shows some quotations that arent flagged, so no idea.
It was in this topic when we were speaking about the player that came out of nowhere to stir Brig’s eternal peace.
Honestly, let them be whatever they want, I won’t waste my time for such nonsense.

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Just found out the patch broke my keybinds… the issues about keyboard layouts not working properly was apparently reported on the PTR and the issue was allowed to go on the live version anyway. My first day back is definitely leaving a sour taste in my mouth.

Forum moderators policing what real-world topics can be discussed, and which cannot. In the interest of not wanting another thread deleted, I won’t elaborate further. Suffice it to say certain, current political events are better left unmentioned.

Which makes me frown. But hey, sure, could always dunk on ZM and its fetish for jumping puzzles instead. :partying_face:

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I made a return to the game a while ago, unlocked flying in SL, played the new zone like 30 minutes and if I have time or feel like logging in, I find myself leveling yet another alt. Sometimes I delete those 20-30 level alts to make room for new alts, and I think to myself, why am I doing this? I’d like to start RPing again but then again, I don’t know anyone from AD, the only server where RP happens and I just loose my interest to RP again.

Maybe I need another break


A break is always healthy. You might find yourself coming back someday. But yeah shadowlands just drains the living hell of your energy and eventually you get bored. Too many chores.

Tomorrow is Brigante’s event. Many people will be there, I assume. Perhaps during this time you will make friends with some AD friends.