šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I know a few people that made same mistake- looks like Iā€™m grinding gold for a while or get a lower level item and go from there. Not exactly intuitive is it??

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Aye it isnā€™t, I ended up watching a couple of YouTubeā€™s to figure out what I did wrong
ā€¦ if I were you I would save straight for the top level than do the intermediary ones - but guess depends how keen you need it if the waist item you get isnā€™t high enough for you

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Yeah, just gonna grind gold for the 291 item. Thanks for the YouTube tip, never thought of that. Belt good enough for a while

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reminder that people who came up with

  • Shadowlands
  • BFA
  • Seasons of Mastery

are still in charge of the game :relieved::relieved::relieved::relieved: but hey at least you can walk on water


As most of my work colleagues think I am some kind of god, I would expect to be able to perform such a feat :laughing::laughing:

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Fixed that for you.

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i find it pretty funny honestlyā€¦ like a full force kick in the teeth seeing all the peopl who moaned about me being negative towards wowā€¦ now in a moral dilemma because they feel negative.

like i said many many many times before iā€™m always far ahead of the curve.

you all got what u had coming to you with this patchā€¦ now u gotta live with itā€¦ kicking people like me down because we where actually voicing concern when the game started diving.

it is just ironic justice at this point .

I think there is a vast difference between voicing concern and people just whining. The two are not the same.

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honest would be me saying if you find yourself being overly negative towards the game right now, it means you do not enjoy it right now.

your mind is telling you to take a break but for some reason you came back and tried again with a new group despite that happening.

i was in the same position for a while a few years back with wowā€¦ eventually i just realised that i would never have what i was missing about the game anymore because everyone is different, i would never find the exact community group feeling i missed. and once i realised that i found stepping away from the game so much easier.

alas it was not the game which kept me playing it was the people i was playing it with at the time.

the game itself was just a meeting place.

and once those people had left or fell out with each other it just left the game feeling very empty and me feeling very lonely inside of it.

I know Iā€™m not enjoying it and I will take a break when Iā€™m done with raiding. Iā€™ve clocked off my KSM. Then Iā€™ll probably just do all the casual stuff Iā€™m missing.

People calling me for a troll on the fotums and claming that my forums posts are selfish when theyā€™re not


I ran 3 characters through molten core today and got 0 (zero) Blood of the Mountain.

So what do you want? A medal? Everyone to form an orderly queue to kiss your behind?
Loving how you made this into a ā€œI told you so!ā€

Nah we just got bored with your excessive whining.

Now we have to put up with your ā€œHaha told you so told you so!ā€ while constantly interjecting yourself into everyoneā€™s decisions.

My what a high opinion we hold of ourselves.

Been losing a lot of Battlegrounds, and also my mind, these past few daysā€¦ I question myself: Why am I still playing a game that heavily favours one faction? Iā€™m honestly feeling hopeless.

People were annoyed because you went out of your way to make it clear you didnā€™t play the game anymore but kept posting because you still had a sub.

I know you resubbed because of Brigs death and I donā€™t know if you currently play the game but my advice still stands, if you feel so strongly about what the game has become maybe itā€™s time you move on. Just because you can post doesnā€™t mean you have to. Keeping coming here just to be negative canā€™t be good for your mental health.

Heā€™s been doing the same thing since 8.1 at least. Either he does play the game and just posts negative stuff for attention or he has a serious addiction to the forum that needs help because he has for years now paid a lot of money to solely post negativity on the forums of a game he hatesā€¦

The person he had a go at did actually unsub and leave and only came back because of Brig, who she was actually friends with and wanted to attend the in-game memorial for I donā€™t think Twiggz can make the same claim but it was a convenient reason for him to buy more forum time and start posting again.

Indeed, one of the reasons why I left the Alliance because epic battlegrounds are extremely hard to win. The Horde are wiping the floor with the Alliance in every epic battleground except Alterac Valley where itā€™s around 50-50 at best.

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Keep having to log out of the game to get Poco to reset :rage:

you call whining because you do not see the point to itā€¦

open your mind and youā€™ll see otherwise.

EDIT: also if u look youā€™ll see itā€™s been quiet some time i really said anything overly negative towards the gameā€¦ besides the RWF.

people need to get over it tbhā€¦ itā€™s my choice after all :). i resubbed to post in brigs thread that is trueā€¦

i also got myself banned on purpose for a month straight afterwards. so i didnt use the forums.

another person here also claimed to be back just to post on brigs thread as well yet was here to my knowledge posting pretty much every day since.

i came back now just for the 10.0 announcement my sub runs out on the 20th of april now.

the day after the announcement ā€¦ but i wanted to have my say on it when it happens.

people who call things i say whining ā€¦ just refuse to look at it with a open mind.

i have yet to be wrong about anything i have said thus far.

EDIT: i always said i will be watching 10.0 so dont act surprised i resubbed for the announcement ā€¦

i also said i do not lieā€¦ i took the 16 personality test a while backā€¦ i am INFJ-tā€¦

if you look at what that means ā€¦ people find me intimidating one of the reasons that is, is because i do not beat around the bush and i tell things straight and honest and as it is.