šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I liked archaeology and am sad they seem to have abandoned it. That said, I do have an awful lot of Pandaren achievements and a few others to finish. Wish I could find the time ā€¦


I have one awful Pandaren achievement left and some pristines from BfA for the Kul Tiran areas. Then Iā€™ll be free :slight_smile:


Starlord would be proud of you.


my sub will run out end of june and i dont intend to renew it. season four is not what i want at all and i need more information for dragonfall to know whether i ll be back.

thanks for the company, thanks for the laughs, thanks for the fights, im greatful for the friends i made. i thoroughly enjoyed myself.

so since this is the thread for the sads, i ll leave some pictures here while i still have tl3 to cheer people up:

cats for Puny:

a donut for Dee:

a lion for Twilly:

hippo and giraffe for Afenton:

a medium-sized Redbull for Marius:

a duck for all the duck people:

a bike for Kyrel:

a raccoon for Saeryn:

a pup for Tahra:

a battlepet for GrƔinne:

my apologies if i forgot anyone but this was rather spontaneous.

so long, take care. maybe we will meet again.


See you in DF!


Your WoW-related post is making me the sads :cry:

Thanks for those though! It helps, a bit.


Iā€™m sad you are going but I totally understand. Iā€™m not that excited about this patch and season four the great recycling is not something Iā€™m looking forward to. I will probably do KSM mount and the raid achievement one and take a break.

We will definitely stay in touch even if I have to make a cat girl :joy:


Something that made me frown today, letā€™s see.

Blizzard making conq and valor uncapped but not including a way to give cosmic flux to your alts.

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This guy that doesnā€™t want to spawn and be tamed by my hunterā€¦

That makes me sad.


I was levelling a Zandalari druid when I noticed that the animation for maul just slaps a few translucent regular bears over my dinosaur form. And vanilla model bears at that. Itā€™s put me off continuing to level him now.

And since I was in Molten Core when I noticed the animation, the bloody Eye of Sulfuras dropped. *sigh*

Sorry to hear that, Schmu - however a case of your strongest German beer would be appreciated as a token of remembrance until you returnā€¦


I canā€™t. I said like 40 seconds prior to the wipe that I need mana, they were not killing urh and then the tank is just pressing W with me on pretty much 0 mana. The tank is the leaver.

Interrupts werenā€™t the problem. The lack of mana was.

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These two do not want to be found :scream: :sob:

Maybe try in Goldshire for the first one.


That a very long thread was closed and unlisted just as I caught up with all the posts and was about to post on it.


If it makes you feel any better the OP didnā€™t even get banned and is now trolling in the lounge thread.

ā€¦ waitā€¦ :thinking:

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Hes under a different name now, so guess the original one got a forum holiday :laughing:

If they are using a second account to circumvent a ban they could get reported for that.

It could just be an alt ofc.

really? i need to go to investigate