šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Sure, so then make everything give me 0 xp. It has nothing to do with leveling. Itā€™s just about being able to play the game. I want to stay there. You canā€™t stop me from staying there. But if you make me not hate the game while there, I might not get bored in a week of insta-killing everything.

I actually, honest to god, enjoyed doing content. Why? because the combat is, imho, good enough. The quests are ā€¦ well. Itā€™s wow. Itā€™s not great. But Iā€™m getting my achievements, farming mounts, getting mogs. I could see myself doing this for months on end.

IF THE GAMEPLAY WERE OKAY. And, as long as the Chromie Time thing is up, it is!

So yeah. I donā€™t care what blizzard wants. Just donā€™t ban me from your best feature. Kill all XP gain. I donā€™t care. Iā€™m not there for leveling. I CAN stop my toon from leveling. But what if I want to do loremaster on my main? Should I not play your latests expansion because you canā€™t make your game not suck?

my still dead friends list with not a soul online in the past 2 years

You do have to kind of evolve your friends list. I only have one friend on there from when I started playing and Iā€™m married to him. The rest are people Iā€™ve met over the years, people come and go but you can always make new friends.

I realise youā€™re trying to make a different point but I find itā€™s harder and harder to find people who stick with one game these days. Most play many and hop in between a large collection of things. Some just play the latest games.


Spiteful stopping you from going forward in the maze in mists. Like, seriously, that maze takes forever to do with spiteful.

Epic Battlegroundsā€¦ joined 2 losing games in a row, then when I finally enter fresh match we get instantly wiped in the first fight.

People spamming every thread asking for SP buff.


Itā€™s not people, itā€™s a person and is incredibly irritating to a SP so must be a lot worse to classes that donā€™t care :slight_smile:


Thought Iā€™d gear my shaman. A +10 is actually harder than doing a +20. Seriously, people. I havenā€™t seen anyone die as fast those players did in any of the 20s Iā€™ve done, but this was a 10.

That stupid bear head from Antorus heroic for my druid transmog that refuses to dropā€¦and that raid on HC is so tedious with the bosses that take ages to kill. So frustrating. I hate that place.

Only TW raid I completed was Black temple for the demon hunter warglaives transmog.

After that.

Never set foot in one again.

Just thinking about some grinds on old expansion features I have left like Argent Tournament or Firelands Invasion (Molten Front) makes me frown. Theyā€™re mind numbingly repetitive, and since you farm a sort of tokens and not rep it canā€™t really be sped up either.

I just did that, got the Glaives on my rogue and just ran the TW raid on my Paladin so I can now mog Glaives on my DH :rofl:

I can go back to ignoring TW.

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I got them on Souldefilerā€¦ oooā€¦ lemme checkā€¦

10/12/2012 and the first timewalking raid for BT when you could unlock the mog for demon hunters I completed it. Been using it on my demon hunters ever since, and the lure of 252 gear doesnā€™t entice me back.

the suckiness of loot

Had an SD17 key which I canā€™t seem to form a group for, tried for multiple days and still no luck.

Random dungeons below level 50. Itā€™s just cringeworthy. Rushing through a dungeon, skipping all the bosses and still taking as long as playing it normally, because add pulls, people canā€™t play properly.


pls add this man in a questā€¦

Slowly losing the will to live doing Archeology Achievements.

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Why though? Do they give some sort of rewards or is it purely for achievement sake?