šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Something WoW related that made me frown today?

Started to try playing rated arenaā€¦ And oh boi, I have never played something more offensive to my idea of a good pvp sandbox than this.

I thought BGs are worse sometimes. I even thought other games I play (and being good at them) is worse than that. But rated arena in WoWā€¦ Thatā€™s a totally different level imo.


Greatā€¦ Now I hear ā€œSouth Partā€ games :wind_face: in my Imagination

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This site got me through just about every pet battle there is

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Yes, me too. Highly recommend.


is there a English version?

That is English

*Edit to add maybe itā€™s defaulted to another language for you. I found the language options after clicking on the globe symbol to the right hand top side of the screen.

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Someone wasnā€™t grateful for seeing me back because the entry thread was flagged :frowning:

Was it Souldefiler because I redyed my hair? :cry: I mean, blonde hair is so pretty!

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Thank you. <3

I acquired Fandralā€™s Flamescythe today.

And all I could think about was this scene from the Simpsons when I went to check the form out in the barber shop.

Artifact weapons donā€™t seem to work really well with outfits being assigned to other specs. The game just wants to equip the specā€™s weapon.

More and more of my friends list are taking a break from WoW

Iā€™m also finding it harder to find to motivation to log on outside of raids and vault M+


I just finished the pre-covenant campaign in Revendreth with my Mage, and figured out the hard way that talking to General Draven is NOT optional.

Got told to get my buttocks over to Oribos ASAP to warn about the happening, but despite the implied urgency teleporting or HSing straight over to the city is not intended in the quest design. Quest designers = :clown_face: :clown_face:

Same, not logged on since Friday- but my youngest son started his GCSEs yesterday so Iā€™m happy to let him hog the PC for revision. Iā€™ve got my diamond art to get on with too


Good luck to him!
My grandson had his first one yesterday too.


Surely you ainā€™t that oldā€¦ or have you discovered the Fountain of Eternal Youth??

Good luck to your grandson too :+1:


It is one of those content droughts, no doubt. On the bright side, youā€™ll see who is perseverant and who isnā€™t. :upside_down_face:

If youā€™re too bored of retail and want something different, youā€™ll know where to find me. :wink:

It doesnā€™t help that all Iā€™ve got to look forward to in S4 is the great recycling.

Iā€™m playing TBC for a good reason, you see :smirk: phase 5 just got out!

PS: ran out of hearts. Sadge :cry: