šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I havenā€™t eaten yet today :c but going home in my break so i can get some leftovers xD

Seems Iā€™ve been here before. Oh well at least the wait isnā€™t too long :laughing:


And then my internet died for hours!


The head of mog set for lock in ulduar never dropped to me. 7th week in a row.


Now I know why Twilly dedicated a whole thread to it. Swabs! :rofl:

This has to be one of the ugliest mounts Iā€™ve seen in the game. Why even add it as a drop.

I find that with all the drops from that zone.

I tried watching the MDI stuff today, I should have stuck to watching paint dry.


Iā€™m running out of likes so fast, every day.

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If my love is Nutella and this forum is the toast, seems Iā€™ve been spreading too much love :clown_face:
/group Hug


Only ran out twice, once in my exile absence and when I just returned.

But keep spreading the love Nutella!


Of course

Hey Brian my hairy friend, enjoy the toast :vulcan_salute:


Itā€™s too early to see my vault yet, why am I awake!


That my pc has become too slow to play retail, so I play classicā€¦

Also, I did play earlier classic for fun, instead of current slow pc, but recently I found that server is a dead one now, all have left, had lvl30+40-ish toons there. But now have to start over, and leveling Draenei shaman is really slow :frowning:
Plus, I have to say I like the horde zones more, and the Troll race most, so again am switching and will restart all over.

Its a slow hell, starting with leveling toon and professions with zero copper.

Im almost thinking Blizz wants us to leave and check other gamesā€¦

Edit, typos

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Daily reset being at 09:00 now rather than 02:00 as it used to be. I had some time before work but couldnā€™t go and beat up KJ for his mail boots.

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Created a male dwarf hunter yesterday, mostly as a bank alt. (But with a bear option if I play it).

So hard to choose a face as they all seemed quite similar and had more than a bit of a spaced out stare kind of look.

I was aiming for rugged, friendly, lone wolf, rather than someone you might avoid in a pub ā€˜just in caseā€™. :smile:

Edit: Accidentally replied to someone instead of just thread reply. More coffee neededā€¦ :coffee:


The ugly metal beard that comes with the nightborne heritage armor.

I love the robe but hate the beard. :sleepy:


Shammy is a bit costly indeed because of the many spells and gear reliance (unlike Warlock or Hunter who just send in pet and slowly pelt their enemies to death), but trust me, Enh will be a neat support class and Ele should make an okay caster. :slightly_smiling_face:

Itā€™s not that bad in financials, just have to be a bit careful. Always offload greys at vendors in towns, post most crafting mats and gear on AH, and if you do need gear, snipe cheap greens. Careful with blues.


I have to admit, when I start on a new retail server I start with several Toons at the same time (using resting bonus). And most of the time I start with Mains as:
. Shaman - Mining+JC
. Priest - Herb+Tailoring
. Mage - Herb+Alch.
But this was on retailā€¦on Classic we still can not do Herb+Mining at the same time, yet, so I had to change Mining+JC into skinning+LW, unfortunate. Alts will then be Herb+skinn. And only one does cooking.
This is why I do not have to buy anything, except for professions, drinks and repairs. Each toon supports the other, but leveling the professions is not cheap. Thatā€™s the problem of my way of gaming.
Also, ores + JC is easier to sell then leather+ LW.

My other point was about leveling the Draenei shaman, which takes ages. To me its too much running in a depressive Draenei crash environment, but I solved this by changing into Troll Shaman, running through a very sunny Barrensā€‹:+1::+1::+1::+1: Love it :sunglasses:


Ran the Sunwell first time on my mage today, not a single set piece dropped.

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Never seen ZM so empty on the evening of reset day.