😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

isle of giants is more crowded than oribos

← that is a good looking goblin :rofl:
this bugs are funny :smiley:

Got invited to a +15 Streets run on LFG and noticed one of the melees having GS of just 153…

I asked if he was serious about that and that I expected him to have appropriate gear when the dungeon starts…
Keyholder started anyways, gear was not changed…he seemed to be serious about that…

Not sure how far they came though…I lost sight of them on my way out when they pulled the first group…

Tab targeting made me frown for real.

I was doing the cauldron quests in WPL on warlock, but died to some respawns. I got back, but had to fight off a zombie right after rez, without a moment to even summon a demon. Killed it, as it died it summoned 2 easy to kill worms with 2 hp so wanted to wand them down.

What does the game do? I kill one, and tab target to kill the other. Noooo, it targets another zombie nearby, and repeats once more, instead of picking the worm in my face. :unamused: Really…

Needless to say, I just died once again because of how targets are chosen… :frowning_with_open_mouth:


knowing the slime cat won’t be changed and imma suffer the hell the 3rd of august. i will be a sad :bear:

There hasnt been a Necrolord Unity set piece for days now.

Trying to work out how my alt can learn maw riding and all the info online seems to be quests she doesn’t have. I wish there was more info ingame.

I think that if you unlock korthia or ZM they probably(?) all get that

Gotta talk to the tal-inara dude in the enclave (covenant section) of oribos after reaching 60

have no frends they all left/quited :frowning:

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I’ve tried all that. My main has everything unlocked :cry:

Joining Evolixe, it should be obtained with the Korthia intro.

The quest you are looking for is called “Who is the Maw Walker?”, if you look it up on WoWhead it will tell you the details.

The state of levelling BGs…

Not only have Horde apparently forgotten how to play (they ignore objectives and don’t escort flag runners) but there’s barely any XP and no gear from a loss. Plus about a 50% chance that it will end early because one side doesn’t have enough players, thus resulting in neither team getting anything. Total waste of time.

Needs the same rewards for winning or losing. No more reasons to leave early if it’s not going your way. Also propping up small teams with some island AI wouldn’t be a bad idea. Tune them until players struggle to tell the difference.

Anyway, at least dungeon levelling is still fast for another 12 hours or so :smile_cat:

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The lack of any meaningful new world content for Season 4 beyond a slightly harder world boss rotation and the minute (I’ve had 3 drops in 18 months one of which as a dupe) chance of an upgraded item, and the unwillingness of the team to take the opportunity of a cheap way to add a little more for affected players by including the slime kitty mount in LFR.


Speed lvling on druid are insane. Just tried my usual route without dungeons and no interuption from other faction 51-60 in 2hours and 10min. Full rested xp, warmode on and 50% xp buff. Sad to see it expire tomorrow. Bastion 4 lvls in 44min.

cat mount got hotfixed into “normal or higher”… i will do pugs but prob after that what will remain of me will be like this:

Warning: Corrupted text.


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It needs to complete the 5th quest of the Korthia Campaign (“Who is the Maw Walker?”).

There is a sequence of skips available if you have completed them on another character:

  1. Choose a covenant
  2. Take the initial quests (ch 1) of the covenant campaign until you get the option to skip to getting your soulbinds - finish any remaining quests from Ch1 until you get sent back to Oribos.
  3. Visit Tal-Inara and take the skip to unlock the runecarver. Go visit the runecarver to compete the unlock. (This will auto complete Ch2 of the campaign)
  4. Speak to Bolvar and accept the Korthia Skip he now offers you.
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They need to just throw you inside the instance instead of making you wait for people that are AFK.


That makes sense if the missing person is a DPS. But if its a tank that doesnt make an awful lot of sense. You could just be sitting there for a while which would just make people leave.

Actually, im quite certain that in the case of dungeons and tanks in LFR people would just end up leaving if it takes much longer than 5-10 minutes

overtuned raids and dungs :frowning:

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no open world casual content for the next 3 months