šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

So it is. Huzzah!

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yesterday i did (TW) grimrail depo. May gods forget who designed this and whoā€™ll play in the future


The crowd appearing because of the Classic XP buff made me frown.

I decided to try and level my warlock from 48-60, andā€¦ thereā€™s a huge amount of alliance players to compete with for quest mobs. And many of them are hunters or some bursty class with an easier way to tag than I do. It was a miracle I could get a named ogre tag in Tanaris against a warriorā€¦

Go to 1:25 here. Perfectly describes the situation.


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Dunkiee, those anti classic clips are hilarious. I love them

To keep it on topic, Clown still has no friends. Much frown.

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These class changes for season 4.

The number of people who turn up to a random BG at level 60, wearing ilvl 130 with 20k healthā€¦

See, I dinged an alt 60 yesterday. Sent it 10,000 anima, i.e. absolutely nothing. Skipped the ZM quest, went to the broker gear vendor. 60 minutes after dinging, had 3 soulbinds, 60 renown, all conduits at 200, and it was ilvl 230. Can queue for LFR, and has 40k hp.

Which is still very small but literally twice as good as not bothering.

I just find it hard to believe that 20-30% of players donā€™t have an alt that could have donated anima, and are happy to show up, get repeatedly oneshot, and lose the match because they contributed nothing.

(I am totally sympathetic with genuinely new players. Tip for them: donā€™t go to BGs when you hit 60. It is the worst way to get gear. Do dungeons, do ZM. You absolutely wonā€™t have fun in PvP if you canā€™t even queue LFR yet.)


Grainne often points out there are greens available on the AH too for not too much gold that range from 226+

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Also 233 crafted purples. Cost me 10k gold for 6.

And even a 262 crafted purple if you want to push the boat out, although those are questionable value for money unless you have an alt that just happens to have all the materials. I can throw out freebie rings from my JC, but none of the others got deep enough into ZM to even get the crafting upgrade :joy_cat:

You did report that as racism I suppose :slight_smile:

Less pizza and burgers and more gym action? Aiight.

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This. However, a few pieces can be vastly overpriced (I sold a 2H strength mace for 4k the other day which can be a bit much), but some pieces are easily affordable and under 500g, as well as 3 ilvls higher than the broker gear.

ZM treasures can also drop these greens as well as blue accessories - my druid found a cape and necklace at 236.

Definitely worth going around, it means all the easier odds to gear up! I suggest getting the cheaper pieces for gold after making a round of ZM, then grabbing the missing slots with anima tokens. :smile:

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Wanted to DPS my DKs key but after waiting for like 20 minutes for a tank I just decided Iā€™m gonna have to tank if I want to get it done within a reasonable amount of time.

The flipping emojis. Iā€™m sorry but I hate them with a passion. They should just add them as normal sized emojis here and itā€™d be way better.



Ahahaha, thatā€™d be acceptable :laughing: You get your 50 points back. Wait, no, 45. Thereā€™s always room for improvement.

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[Pauldrons of Might] keeps evading my Warrior.

Did some dungeons for tauren heritage with 3 friends. Had a kazzak player try to votekick one of them b4 last boss with a toxic message, I votekicked back pretty swiftly without hesitation and he got instant karma.

75 euros ,not 70

Are you going for that specific named mog? Because the appearance can be easily collected for 500g at the heirloom vendors :slightly_smiling_face:

Iā€™m a completionist, so that wont do. I am collecting all available sources of gear appearances. Yes, this means farming all instances for every gear on the respective chars that can learn their appearances in addition to clearing the gear vendors. :slight_smile:

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