😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

i was top dps in dungon with my frost DK then server crashed on final boss was unable to complite the run :frowning:

“Maybe I’ll just farm some valor as dps instead of healing so I can blast the dungeons”.


Dying on medivh in a low key because the healer can’t heal the flame wreathe targets.

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The fact the forum still doesnt do accountwide ignore i have 35 chars on ignore and they come from the 3 same people,


if you find you keep ignoring people maybe should consider if a forums is the right place for you?

if people bother u that much … i can’t say much really anymore i have ignored 5 people myself now i am no longer a clean slate anymore… but i did that for the sake of others lol…

i personally , if i found myself ignoring that many people… i would just leave the forums.

Did you even read what i said and placing you back on ignore sorry.

you would place me on ignore wouldn’t you …

the time has come. my will to play wow is under 0.
i dare to say i just wait for df.


I got kicked out of my own private chat channel in game.

I was the only one there. :confused:


What happened?!

nothin in particular. i guess im burn out. i just need to finish ember and stitch but my will is 0.
i hope prepatch will arrive soon!

Ahh yes I’m doing those too…so annoying that the progress is weekly…would like to grind it a little faster… >.< I started on emperor Shoahoa but 5 other people came so meh!

Not quite sure what to do atm :sweat_smile:


there is some good alternative rpgs to play out there (not necessarily mmo either).

if u need something to pass the few months remaining.

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I’m so done with Retail atm, mostly just playing Classic until DF hits.



That yuki person just keeps making new chars and switching to post on them.

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Thank you exactly what i meant them and 2 other posters keep doing it :slight_smile:

And here I was thinking that you and me were cool and all.

( :clown_face:)

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You are the only one excused from it :wink: :heart_eyes:


Realize that Dragonflight will not introduce any sort of new battlegrounds or epic battlegrounds.

That’s actually possible???

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Today was just one of those days :rage:

I was running through the MAW with my Mage after clearing it with my Paladin and everything was putting me down.

  • I was using the mouse on my left hand and the keyboard on my right hand.
    While my left hand was comfortably sit on the table my right hand was hanging on top of the keyboard because the desk I was in, was too short. The keyboard sits on the front of the Laptop.
  • I used to play with the keyboard on my left side and the mouse on the right side to allow for the laptop to sit on the middle. That allowed both my arms to sit on the desk.
    Unfortunately I had to give up on this configuration as recently my Laptop had to be repaired. The issue was the Motherboard, 1 memory RAM and the battery. I had this machine for 3 years and always look after it. luckily I had insurance.
    I highly suspect the keyboard (15 pounds) and the 5 button mouse (4 pounds) I purchased in the 1 pound store may have been behind the problem.
    As the old say goes something cheap becomes expensive …
    So I had tp go back to the mechanical keyboard I was used before (I was trying to save it) and the normal 3 button mouse I had.
    Tried to play WoW normally just using the keyboard to move and the mouse to press abilities.
    That didn’t felt bad … it felt awful ! :weary:
    The mouse wire was constantly going against the wall. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
    I couldn’t react fast enough on my Mage, I had to rely constantly on Darion Mograine to keep the enemies from my character.
    Than exhaustion kicked in as I had worked in the morning. :yawning_face:
    So now my Mage is on the MAW waiting for me to pick her up again tomorrow.
    Maybe I need to purchase a 5 button mouse from the store I bought the Laptop (Currys).

Feels good to know you need to learn to play this game again :rage:.


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