šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Starting to regret coming back same few negative posters wrecking threads and decent threads being drowned out by the ā€œfun spamā€.


I like having you here. Iā€™m not as active but I still visit.


its getting harder and harder to lurk when theres nothing interesting going on anymore, sad seeing all the old regulars slowly posting less and less while being left with the same boring knobcheese stinking up every thread with inane ramblings

and if its not that its the food spammers treating this forum as their personal chat box

its a game forumā€¦

maybe someone joined before you did and you didnā€™t see giving them the admin controls


I see that my silly remark was taken seriously. Apologies :slight_smile:

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I know you said it to lighten the mood so dont be sorry.

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wellā€¦ it couldve been but the joke went over my head :wink:


This my point so many people have quit and the forums i have no words for them atm.

Take for example the rate the mog thread its been wrecked countless times in my view recently by people having a full on conversation thus resulting in the person who should have been rated being skipped.

There is one person who consistently provokes other people but plays the victim part resorting in threads being locked and delisted.


I can just imagine the rage here :rofl:


No, Iā€™m glad youā€™re back :smiling_face_with_tear: Thereā€™s not enough familiar faces aroundā€¦ or any faces really. If you put certain posters and their chars on ignore itā€™s even deader indeed.

Iā€™m hopeful it will get better around prepatch and launch, butā€¦ :neutral_face: The forums have seen funner times.


i think weā€™re talking about the same wafflewizard here, i tried ignoring him but seeing ā€œview 1 hidden messageā€ in pretty much every single thread is annoying as well, especially when that thread derails and gets hidden because of him, but its never his fault :roll_eyes:

hopefully df brings people back

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I know im no angel and i am blunt at times which has resorted in time outs 99% of the time i do deserve them lol but i admit my wrong doings but i still dont learn from them :wink:
But thank you for the welcome back i am going to try and stick it out and be good and just be positive :slight_smile:


Yeah :frowning_face:
I was up all night trying to find a solution as I hate spending money.
I finally found the right solution:

  • I placed the iron board I never use except to hang wet clothes as a Laptop stand.
  • The desk now sits behind the iron board.
  • The mouse in on the left side and the keyboard can finally sit on the middle of the table.
  • I can now rest my both elbows on thew desk.
  • The only problem is: the Laptop screen sits half a meter from me instead of being right next to me.
  • I have no iron board now, but at least itā€™s better than having to buy a new mouse or a new larger desk.

From the 25 level 50 characters Iā€™m planning to get to 60 so far, I managed to get 7 to level 51 through the MAW and the one that didnā€™t went through it didnā€™t reached is still level 50.
Only 18 to go through (fully rested XP) and I need to pause between each time I play a character through the MAW campaign, to let the Laptop cooldown as I suspect the long sessions of playing BGā€™s at level 20 was another fact in overheating the Laptop and ruining the Motherboard, Ram and the battery.
Thatā€™s why I avoid group content for the moment :frowning_face:



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That sounds like quite the set up :rofl:


youā€™ll all be glad to hear i recovered now and am back to 100% health ā€¦ will be returning to work after tomorrowā€¦ so this forums like said will be dead once the spammers are gone ^^

enjoy that.

And is much less active too :cry: if I donā€™t leave a post with the weekly remog itā€™d be long closed.

I trust you could post there a couple times? Pretty please, for a 10/10 rating on your current mog in advance? :pleading_face::point_right::point_left:

I could probably pin it on work butā€¦ yes. Most of them only post in the few fun threads left like the 2 lounge threads, or the ā€œwhy did you (un)marry a poster aboveā€ one.

Used to make a lot of these threads butā€¦ times have changed, and I donā€™t feel it anymore, and the ones who liked them donā€™t visit anymore (or anytime soon).

What little time I have I prefer to spend here, or to DM a few forumer friends I truly love. :two_hearts:

Spot on. :frowning_with_open_mouth: Itā€™s so hard to embrace the rule of ā€œWe are all Twiluna!ā€

And no devil either. But honestly, youā€™re a bit of both and that makes you a great poster here. :smile:

I love it when posters get so emotional. So pleasant to read it every time :smiling_face_with_tear:

Have some cookies!


Never personally posted on said transmog thread.

Probrably for the best i didnt.

Thing which makes me frown right now is my ignore list is growing by the day.

Skinning in Gilneas and the Lost Isles seems to be bugged and doesnā€™t increase skill.



Another 3 runs at Denathrius LFR.

Another 3 failures to get the plate helm.

Admittedly I probably wouldnā€™t wear it, it looks awful on my worgen warrior, tauren paladin, and vulpera warriorā€¦ but I still kind of want to complete the set! :pouting_cat: (Yes I have 2 warriors. What?)

Also I accidentally queued Jailer LFR. It was surprisingly fast to pop so I figured Iā€™d just do it. Even here, in non-fated mode, 10 people were dead by phase 3. People running to africa with bombs rather than jumping in holes, people jumping in holes out in africa such that the raid is MCā€™d, and of course the classic; fall in a hole on pull and afk.

It shouldnā€™t take 30 mins to do this boss in legacy mode. I know there are going to be some new players, but I refuse to believe itā€™s 40% of those present. People should kind of know by now.

ALSO I absolutely 100% encourage queueing LFR as tank, even if itā€™s your offspec. But please, get DBM or Bigwigs so something tells you when to taunt. That is literally all you need to do in every fight, but thereā€™s usually a stacking debuff and Iā€™m tired of dying to mechanics because the other ā€œtankā€ is dpsing. It doesnā€™t matter if you are 15th or 20th on the dps list in LFR. Just be a tank for 20 damn minutes.

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