😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

that big Bird-Dragon fryed people in LFR with his laser beam :,:

I just hope we will have the Void-Galakrond skin from Hearthstone too
Elements are nice, but I want tentacles and eyes on my purple dragon-thing :octopus:
One can dream…

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The arena world quest next to Maruukai in Ohn’aaran plains is bugged yet again. Happens every week it seems and now it has a nice upgrade for my alts.
Its either this or the climbing quests that are bugged. :rage:

You would not be missed, with the amount of spam and alts you have and negative views just quit already and take your negativity with you.

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The same guy has been advertising a third party boost site in Newcomer chat for days now and it’s ridiculous it’s not getting banned.


Here are some bad news your way: White versions of event gear are now event bound and my dreams of wearing a cute dress all year long are shattered forever. It doesn’t hurt anyone to have the option to wear it.

Screenie prnt.sc/RZTydGOVIqre

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The Kitten quest is bugging again in Thaldraszus, had to shard hop to find one with low grippy rocks.

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Can’t solo Mythic Eonar and no way to continue the raid :frowning_with_open_mouth:

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Huge agree, they aren’t so much bound to an event to warrant being restricted. This is the evening dress a lady in a bar would wear, with a healthy amount of makeup to make all the lads drool for all night, simple as that :smirk:

And these dresses beat 90% of all other mogs easily anyways…



too bad i cant afford the blue one. they sell it expensivly on the AH


honestly this is bad news indeed. Whyyyy whyyyyy

i wanted to wear the blue one

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Time to take a break :tired_face:
I spent all day updating my characters gear.
I was on my Forsaken Warrior and noticed that he only had 1 HS which meant now he had to take the airship from the Dragon islands back to Ogrimmar.
I was going to get HS you get from Legion and WoD, both campaigns initiated while I was leveling.
I went to the Btoken Shore to get my HS and nothing. No quests no NPC nothing.
I traveled to my Garrison which should had been incomplete, since I remembered being ported back when I hit level 60 back to Ogrimmar, while I was in the middle of obtaining it.
It turns out after arriving to my Garrison that I actually had done the HS quest and many more. The character that didn’t got the HS was my Forsaken Hunter.
I had both HS in my bag the whole time.
But because I now play Protection instead of Fury, the shortcuts weren’t on the toolbars :clown_face:



I went to Raid finder with Diurna but We wiped Raszageth over 7 times :tired_face:

even when a raid leader explained the mechanics fully

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I was playing on my recently created BE Bank character.
I created her for storing sharpening stones.
Yeah I made a huge mistake during SL to buy, too many.

I noticed she had a new bag slot :open_mouth:
It was the reagent bag I read people talking about in this forum and I only noticed now :clown_face:


I wish I could be playing right now, but I can barely sit due to an injury.


I wish you a speedy recovery


Did Halls of Stone HC+ on my pally and had these 2 wipes.

Both times we were overwhelmed with a vast number of beefy adds.

At the first one, we just managed to finish the fight (as Brann simply has to stay alive for 5 mins) and we only died when it was finished.

For Sjonnir on the other hand… his 1.2M hp was reduced to a low 4-digit number when he killed me as the last man standing. I even popped an HP pot and selfhealed during his Lightning Ring (as I’m safe to do so) and he still got me. Where are all the dodges when you direly need them? :sob:

Are you sure about that? :rofl:

Maybe some people enjoy the barrage of badly written spam that gets edited multiple times before deletion :rofl:

And the ludicrous over-the-top stories :rofl:


I’m having very hard time clicking it
at the beginning of the expansion i got one from feast and sold it for like 250 gold
only to buy it again at 100k

Now I want to Cry :sob:

Because I feel so bad for you when you paid to get one again but with 100k

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