šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

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Weā€™ve had four, weā€™re waiting on a fifth.


Oh yeah
I feel like the Colonel now :grin:


Some years ago there was a website where you could sign up to try and get as far as you could. Only greys, no health potions etc. I tried it, got as far as that stitches mob in Darkshire. then I died.

I only have 2 so far, but have worked out where the third is. I just need to work out how to get there as I donā€™t remember how to get to various places. Roll on the end of work for the day!

Iā€™ve completed my 3rd run of 4 Mythic dungeons, for the weekly quest, on my Troll Restoration Shaman.


What a nightmare that was :sob:
Iā€™m too used to never have mana problems on my 2 Holy Priests and 2 Holy Paladins.
Restoration Shamans rely on CDs, mana shields and mana totem to keep their mana going on.

When I finished, with my Restoration Troll Shaman and logged in to my Forsaken Holy Priest, which I have been playing since TBC it was a massive difference. I knew exactly what to do.


This made me realise that not only, Iā€™m too used to play Priest, but the fact I have: 2 Priests, 2 Paladins, 2 Monks as opposed to only 1 Druid and 1 Shaman, makes me, very inexperienced in those 2 classes :weary:

Iā€™m really spoiled on the Priest, Paladin and Monk classes, regarding instant healing spells.
Iā€™ve lost account on how many times, I ended up taking damage because I was too busy casting heals on my Troll Shaman or placing my precious Mana/Healing totems on 2/3 minutes CD at the wrong time. The Tank was already moving on to the next packs and I had to leave them behind.

Edit 1: Itā€™s a good thing, the Alliance can now queue with the Horde, in Mythic content.
I canā€™t imagine myself waiting half an hour to get a group together for a Mythic 0 dungeon. Half of my groups have been Alliance :lion: players, so far.

Edit 2: Iā€™ve just realised, in order to maximize the weekly mythic quest and the TW quest thatā€™s coming tomorrow, I will probably have to stay in front of my laptop :computer::disappointed: all 4 days, I have as time off.

Ideally: sleep as minimum as possible, order take out food, rest the laptop :computer: for 1 hour before going at it again.
I donā€™t want to end like Asmongold :disappointed:

Just kidding :smiley:

Edit 3:
WTB more time to do the weekly event :sob:

Edit 4:
What I feared, finally happened :frowning_face:
After completing: 5 runs in TBC TW, 5 heroic dungeons runs and 4 Mithic dungeon runs on my BE Priest, she finally got a duplicate.


Iā€™ve got gloves iLV 428, from the weekly 4 mythic dungeons chest that replaces the gloves I got from the 5 TBC TW (I think :thinking:) chest. Itā€™s an upgrade, but for one slot that wasnā€™t in dire need.

I think, itā€™s time to put her on the bench and play other characters.


The duality of the WoW fandom is ā€œleveling dungeons give more than enough lootā€ while also ā€œweā€™re skipping all the bosses here because who does leveling dungeons for loot?ā€.


Sighā€¦ Now I need an addon for removing the ā€˜Sell all junkā€™-button. Thanks blizzard!


Patch day but I gotta work instead of getting forsaken heritage armor :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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Nothing on CurseForge yet. I wonder who thought that a good idea? There are already dozens of add-ons to automatically sell junk. This is just annoying for those who donā€™t want to sell it automatically.

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Blizzard is quite schizophrenic about poor quality items. Imagine making them sources for learnable appearances and reagents/currency for stuff, and the following patch adding a button that lets you accidentally vendor all those sweet collectables from a whole day of grinding mobs on Sunstrider Isleā€¦

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Three dead vaults and the fourth is a choice of two rare bis trinketsā€¦

Now starts the countdown to get all of my 25 characters done with the TW WoTLK, 5 Dungeons runs :weary:

The characters that can heal are getting too OP compared others.
They donā€™t need to lead the way and they have short queues.
However I have no choice, the characters that donā€™t need to lead and get instant queues, need to go first, since, Iā€™ll probably miss out on some characters, again :pensive:

3 days off itā€™s just not enough to get all of this runs done and I have things to do today :sob:


In case you werenā€™t aware you can set your bags to not sell junk

Just click on the bag icon once youā€™ve opened your bags. The one you can see in the screenshot brings up the menu.

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The Night Elf heritage quest line. Worst quest line Iā€™ve seen in a while, other than the Baine one.


Iā€™m doing that one now, the UD was was fine, this one is tedious.

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If I may suggest
The TW weekly you can pick up from the NPC you can turn in the weekly TW quest ittem award a Heroic chest and the Raid bosses count in the 5XTW dungeon weekly
You can save time and have Heroic too

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Tanks pulling like as if itā€™s MDI in a +20 pug.

Just why would you do that.

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More races need to be paladins so I donā€™t have to do these heritage quests on other classes :rofl: