šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I have zero tolerance for boost spam in newcomer chat. I might give someone the benefit of the doubt in general chat that maybe they just typed in the wrong channel, but in newcomer chat that an instant report from me.


I donā€™t buy into the whole it was an accident. They are not new to advertising, the people that do advertise in newcomer are nearly always from those dodgy third party sites.

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Could not pick up the daily rep quest in the Forbidden Reach on one of my characters. It chose the faction then it wouldnā€™t give me a quest :neutral_face:

:exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

No Legendary drop after 12th Sarkareth Kill on Heroic :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Rolled again a 1 on HC Sarkareth for the Beacon :unamused:


Researchers Under Fire utter piece of :poop: event.

Joined a raid group, running around trying to do the tasks, few minutes later, kicked ? it said other ppl left the raid group, now impossible to finish it.

Horrible, task spammy go, go, go :poop: !

Gonna treat this raid group content with the contempt it deserves, they can shove it !


You donā€™t need to join a group to do that event, just turn up at it and do the tasks.

Arguing with people on the WoW forum. Always a ā€œblessingā€ to do so :brain: :exploding_head:

Yes you do.

There are too many tasks and the mobs are packs of elites which respawn quickly, I think there is a boss at the end too. It cannot be done solo.

You donā€™t need to join a raid group though, you just have to be there with enough people also doing the event. Itā€™s the same as the hunts and the time rifts, you can be in a group but you donā€™t need to be in one to complete it.

You can just sit afk at the start point and get credit whilst others do the event too, although that is immoral :eyes:

But you have to join a raid group to get enough people to complete it. On small realms there arenā€™t enough people so we have to join a group to go elsewhere.


My legendary, inability to memorize :brain:, dungeons routes :tired_face:

One of the main reasons, I always hated Dungeons in vanilla was, because I would get lost in them.

The community always say: go as DPS first, memorize it, before you go as a Tank.

Thatā€™s what, Iā€™m doing. But every time I get inside Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr, I donā€™t know what the hell happens, my brain :brain: enters: follow mode.

So far, Iā€™ve ran this dungeon previously during DF pre-patch, 5 times in each of my 4 Hunters, 2 Priests, Rogue and I still canā€™t pick one of my Tanks, to go and lead the way.

Thatā€™s: 5 Dungeons*7 characters = 35 runs.
Meanwhile, Iā€™m running out of DPS/Healing characters.
I could Heal on my Druid, 2 Monks, 2 Paladins, go as DPS on my 5 Warriors, 2 DKs, and 2 DHs but that would be a huge waste of time, when itā€™s quicker to queue as a Tank. Not to mention loss of invaluable experience to improve as a Tank player.


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I thought, I was done with the 5 TW dungeon runs, get a iLV 415 item in some of my characters.
Till I realised, itā€™s not a one time quest like the 5 heroic dungeons runs, itā€™s a weekly quest :scream:

So next week, Iā€™m looking at 5 TW Dungeons*25 characters = 125 TW dungeon runs.

Luckily, Iā€™m off from work, from Tuesday till Friday. However TW only starts on Friday.
That means: 3 days / 125 TW dungeon dungeon runs = 41/42 runs per day.

This is going to hurt :sob:


Donā€™t forget this week is the Mythic Week!
Do 4xMyth runs for a Heroic Raid piece
Just do Ruby Llife Pools M0 4 times in a row and profit

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Brullo the strong is the bane of my existence :roll_eyes:
This week I killed him every day, alone or with a group (not a raid team) and either the chest was unlootable ā€œemptyā€ or not spawned at all :rage:
It would be too much to ask to put Rocks on the Rocks cooking recipe anywere else but his chest???


Just spent an hour trying to get into Zereth Mortis on an alt, there is supposed to be a skip but I canā€™t get it.

You need to do/skip the first few chapters of the covenant campaign and then unlock Korthia to get it.

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No one found the 4th Community Rumorsā€¦ yet


I heard shadowmoon valley is very interesting this time of year actuallyā€¦ :deciduous_tree: :axe:

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