😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Not managed to roll above 5 today’s HC raid :unamused:
Not a single time

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Punys new hair :slightly_frowning_face:


Do you hate it as much as I hated you going Tauren on your Warrior?

Its close!!!


Holy pala dying on 23 HOI during gauntlet while having bubble up.
People being carried by their meta god specs in a nutshell.

It’ comes hard if you don’t do any of the story lines or quests, If you do alot is already done

I only managed to complete the 5 TW runs on 14 characters, so far, between Healers and Tanks. Most of the Healers are gone, except my Pandaren Monk, Tanks are taking longer on the queues, DPS are for last. Still : 11 characters to go. Let’s see what I can squeeze up until Tuesday night :frowning_face:

Edit: I think, I’m starting to get an unhealthy addiction to opening loot boxes.
What’s better than opening a chest, after 4 Mithic 0 runs, 5 heroic dungeons or 5 TW Dungeons ?
Doing it 25 times, to see if it’s different :yum:


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Pathfinder news.

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People not CCing incorporeal because “You’re a priest, you can MC it”. Meanwhile, pushing 180k hps and guy think it’s a good idea to stop healing to MC the incorporeal to fall behind in healing?

I don’t think so.

While doing the community rumors and visiting old zones… realizing how horribly outdated they are regarding graphics; angular, 2 pixel worth of abominations compared what we have in Dragonflight :roll_eyes:
90% of the game is a relic
I know lot of people love it and consider this the charm of WoW, but for me it made me frown
As an added “bonus” flying like a snail crawls in glue also not really helped to lift my mood

I opened a ticket about a bugged quest only to be told to check wowhead… and submit the bug in the US forums(???)

(been playing for years, checking wowhead was the first thing I did before opening a ticket - don’t know how the US forums could help?)

Blues - I mean real ones who actually could answer and effect anything - tend to visit the US forum
Ours is kind of abandoned

You can (and should) submit a bug report in game.

Menu - support - submit feedback/report bug and then put in as much detail as you can.

They really should have pointed you to that options over the US forum bug section so :roll_eyes: at CS for that.

They include the bit about the US bug forum because we can all post there providing we are willing to jump through the hoops.

I have tried to argue that it’s not relevant for the EU but Blizzard feel it’s an option available to all and therefore keep it included in their support articles and replies.

Ofc not everyone is willing to create a US starter account on their existing Bnet account then level up a character to 10 in order to be able to post. I have done so and I do add to existing conversations sometimes.

There really is no difference between doing a bug report in game and posting on the forum. Neither will get a blue response. Both will just be logged and go into the pile of issues.

“Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today”

Amazingly there are still people who play re-fail? Not sure why but it is like seeing big foot

Yeah, actually way more play than who stuck in a twenty years old relic done ages ago
Most of us were able to move pass that and focus on the present instead watching 2 pixel angular arts through the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia
But each of their own
If you enjoy it, hey, no one will stop you
But you will not find retail players barging in on the classic forums to ask, why do you still there?
It is amusing the classic players are how vocal and have to preach how good classic is
…as if they would like to convince themselves, not others…


You would think they’d be too busy enjoying their ‘superior’ game


The irony.

Yes you are very ironic as we have seen :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

But I wish you a good day in Classic