😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Yeah, that’s not the own you thought it was. But you have a good day too :slight_smile:

I got a giant key as a mog today, what did 2pixel classic give you?


We got medium AND small keys too!
A Polearm, a Staff, a One-Handed Mace, and an Off-Hand key mog!


I did Comp Stomp and bought three armor sets and one weapon pack

Soon I’m going to do the 10th Secret.


Thanks for reminding me!
Its puppy time!!!


Still haven’t had time to do even one Comp Stomp … but that wasn’t my frown today. My frown was I thought I should do something about Dreamsurges. However it’s yet another thing without enough explanation ingame. It gives you a starting time but then there’s announcements about empowered rares before that. One of the quests tells you to do Dreamsurge world quests. Where were they? Finally, by looking at Wowhead I discovered it meant the normal wqs in the zone. Then when the Dreamsurge started we seemed to kill the big bad right at the beginning and I had no clue what to do after that.

Please, Blizz … give explanations/instructions/guidance ingame for completely new things. We shouldn’t have to go to external sites, watch videos etc to work out how to do something, especially people like me who don’t want advance information about patches. We want to find out about them ingame. The Time Rifts have it right - there’s a lot more explanation there and I never had problems knowing what to do. I’m finding it so frustrating.

And my evening will now be spent finding an external site which explains it. Which, to me, is wrong.


Vote: click on the NPC next to the wendor where you can vote a buff
WQ: you guessed, simple WQs in the area
Close portal: kill the big bad guy
Rare: kill an empowered rare

And thats it

The floating green orbs give you dreamdust too if you fly through them
Aaand… thats it

Don’t forget the dream portal thing, i randomly found one whilst doing todays secret and solo’d it so not quite sure what the point of them is but it was part of one of the quests.

One good thing of playing so many characters is: you get to test the game’s RNG.

Today, the prize for the unluckiest character of them all, goes to:

:drum: :drum: :drum: :drum: :drum: :drum: :drum: :drum:

My 2nd Monk character:

Winner of x2 exact same trinkets, from TW chest in a row:


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Couldn’t agree more !

I found by hovering my mouse over the dream swirl on the Ruby platform (partly covered by an addon icon) a blue hazy glow shows around the WQs.

With a 25% experience buff torn between levelling my DH and alts or trying to farm green dust on my main hunter.

Will need to write down the rotation of the rares as I cannot find them fast enough with all the addon map clutter. Wish they would stick a glowy green leaf on the map or something while active.

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I had that trouble too … and they were always the other end of the zone to where I was when I did find them on the map.

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Less people like you :slight_smile:

Im assuming classic doesn’t have that much going on atm if you feel the need to waste time here. xD

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Doing TW Raid weekly the chest only contained a nerubian pet, not a heroic piece
Not that it matter, really, already have the gear I wanted, but if I would have done it on an Alt that heroic gear piece would have been good… and missing out for a pet really would have enraged me
It is a mild anoyance, but I can understand why some one who use the TW raid and TW Raid weekly to boost her iLvL a bit would be furious

Think of it this way: That ilvl would come and go, but the pet will be with you forever! :blush:

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DK tanks having full RP and not death striking when they’re dying.

Bro, press the button.

My good-for-nothing ISP causing my connection to give out on me during a Comp Stomp round. I really hope that I don’t get reported for afk-ing (when I really wasn’t).

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Kind of ironic you’d say that?


My gripe today - trying to get that blasted rose dust and flux for Secrets of Azeroth. Wasted ages looking for the stuff and just gave up in the end, none spawning anywhere