Lower Kara… finally, after at least 8 failed runs on Wikket solely because of the kaboom mechanic (never had this many disbands on a single boss!) with a group that downed it on first try, we go to Attumen.
That dispel mechanic is nuts.
Basically, all players receive the same exact dot that inflict heavy dmg and will rapidly kill if you don’t dispel a specific person who has a faint aura, but without an indicator with DBM or any special warning. Nothing, and I repeat nothing, will let me know who exactly to dispel.
And if you dispel the incorrect person, it’s a wipe. If you don’t dispel, maybe doable on a lower Forti with a heal CD.
And the only way to know who to dispel is to get WA specifically for this one boss fight… and I don’t like the addon.
If there was a 1 person only debuff, or a secondary debuff that was a different type I’d outright know who has it. And Mass Dispel just kills us all.
Guess I’ll flat out refuse to heal Lower Kara. No thanks!