šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Itā€¦ it happened again.

The mount dropped again, and I lost itā€¦ againā€¦ on the same toon, for the 2nd time in a row.

Did someone secretly tamper with the droprate? I donā€™t even know if I should consider myself extremely lucky to have seen it twice, or completely cursed to lose it both times.

My right hand that it WONā€™T repeat if I tried it on Retail with any toon. Iā€™m not kiddingā€¦


You at last seen the mount drops
Iā€™ve not seen the Infinite Timereaver drops only just once in the past decadeā€¦ :unamused:


The things many group leaders write about their Raid groups in the group finder make both frown and facepalm.

They basically write the equivalent of ā€œBeware of Dogā€.

Saw a character with a name referencing Pedophilia yesterday :disappointed: I know itā€™s probably just some Edgelord but come onā€¦

Sad thing is it feels like reporting people for character names does nothing, or maybe Iā€™m just feeling pessimistic.

Clowns on the forums insulting and harassing people for the sake of it.


I think it does - especially if quite a few people report it. See this thread in CS Account suspension for Rename

Blizzard still hasnā€™t fixed BFA dungeons going legacy loot mode when thereā€™s a level 60 in the group.

Not playing wow as much as before, but itā€™s mostly due to IRL busy work

Looking forward to Lunar festival at least. :smile:


Ambitious tank complained aboot us not being able to deal with such massive pullā€¦
He then leaveā€¦

Gold and Stygia from Venari paragon box
The Maw grind continuesā€¦


Some day I will have to go back and get the ZM mounts done including the paragon :sob:

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Iā€™m doing the ZM grind too
I only have exalted enlightened left from Shadowlands for ZM meta
Also doing breaker of chains, my last tormentor pops in few minutes, but i still also to cap my rep in korthia

No way iā€™m doing paragon grind for the factions above
the only reason iā€™m doing it for Venari is because i really like the mount !


The armory being in flames so often lately. I can live with the visual bugs but I need to be able to check peopleā€™s gear etc at any point without praying itā€™s gonna work for their char before I click.

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Use raider.io instead, it has it cached since the last update.

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It turned out my ICC H10 was a N10, wasting one charā€™s lockout.

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Weekly vault of disappointmentā€¦

I have so many other slots and of course I got something for one of 3 slots thatā€™s alright for now :ā€™)

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No Dracthyr staff from the vault either
Adn people wonder why some buy boosts with loot trade :roll_eyes:

yesterday for the PVp quest the elite was grey (dunno why) so i killed it uselessly. and was killed thrice from the othersā€¦ i managed to do the quest later.

This, Iā€™d be happier if I could get valor if I donā€™t find an upgrade. Or even buy gear with it.

The WQs that are bugged. If they are not to be refreshed more often, atleast make sure they work - for all.