šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Who knows :rofl:

Maybe they all played too well so Blizzard nerfed their class with a hotfix patch :rofl:

It happens you know :rofl:

Not easy when youā€™re doing too much dps :rofl:

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yeah need to be bis geared all specs to be safe when meta changes weekly
imagon in new world same meta last 1 year :rofl:
in ESO it is like 3 months

Iā€™ve done some timewalking and honestly itā€™s too easy, to the point where damage is pretty trivial and you donā€™t generally get to see the bossesā€™ special attacks because they get burned down so fast. Can we at least have it back to the same difficulty as before DF release?


Oof I liked that it was just trivial fun content again. It seems to go through phases with difficulty.


After a careful consideration, and an unanimous vote of board of fun committee, the answer is : no


Same here, I could learn my healing with Prevoker more or less :smile: it would be also neat for my druid if she were Resto as thatā€™s another healer spec Iā€™m not a pro with.

The tank+melee in my levelling Azure Vault who took the teleport to the next platform - ignoring that the ranged players were too far behind to get there before the patrol got them into combat.

Thanks. Itā€™s not often I ragequit a levelling dungeon, but leaving half the party with a choice of die and run, or die and run, kind of deserves that response.

ALSO I didnā€™t even want to be in Azure Vault! Iā€™d previously been queuing TW, like any normal person at level 60, but had to /reload for addons and this obviously reset my choice of dungeons when I queued again.

Because thatā€™s expected behaviour and all, right?

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Levelling my classic shammy and having my strongest ability chain-parried 4 times in a rowā€¦ and at this level, Expertise is almost a non existent stat :frowning_with_open_mouth:

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Sometimes I wish I could cast Landslide on my allies to root that damn Tank who runs like a roadrunner on steroids :unamused:
Or break their knees, just to be sure, giving them -90% movement speed for a time


I logged in and there was nothing to do besides the same 8 Dungeons on repeat.

Itā€¦ it happened again.

The mount dropped again, and I lost itā€¦ againā€¦ on the same toon, for the 2nd time in a row.

Did someone secretly tamper with the droprate? I donā€™t even know if I should consider myself extremely lucky to have seen it twice, or completely cursed to lose it both times.

My right hand that it WONā€™T repeat if I tried it on Retail with any toon. Iā€™m not kiddingā€¦


You at last seen the mount drops
Iā€™ve not seen the Infinite Timereaver drops only just once in the past decadeā€¦ :unamused:


The things many group leaders write about their Raid groups in the group finder make both frown and facepalm.

They basically write the equivalent of ā€œBeware of Dogā€.

Saw a character with a name referencing Pedophilia yesterday :disappointed: I know itā€™s probably just some Edgelord but come onā€¦

Sad thing is it feels like reporting people for character names does nothing, or maybe Iā€™m just feeling pessimistic.

Clowns on the forums insulting and harassing people for the sake of it.


I think it does - especially if quite a few people report it. See this thread in CS Account suspension for Rename

Blizzard still hasnā€™t fixed BFA dungeons going legacy loot mode when thereā€™s a level 60 in the group.

Not playing wow as much as before, but itā€™s mostly due to IRL busy work

Looking forward to Lunar festival at least. :smile:


Ambitious tank complained aboot us not being able to deal with such massive pullā€¦
He then leaveā€¦

Gold and Stygia from Venari paragon box
The Maw grind continuesā€¦