😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today

Report that Blizzard emplyee who held a gun to your head!
The authorities will deal with him/her
Oh… .waaaaait… :eyes:

I wonder what the original post said… My landlords managed to short the circuit that powers my desktop, and here I am back to this deleted content. :stuck_out_tongue:

just wanted to show u this

Oh thanks guys, I may have a stab at that!!!

People releasing instead of waiting for res in lower karazhan.

have no firends to play with and it is so depressing i am so sick off haveing to solo everything my firends has not logged on for 2 years :frowning:

First time coming back to doing Random Battlegrounds.
Hopped into a group. Against a Premade…
0 points.

u remeber that trinket what alloved hunters to have 200 pets in a bg ? it was never fixed :rofl:

I got a 285 dagger from a Taza key I did, but it isn’t what makes me sad - rather, the fact there is only 1 offhand that drops from M+, so have to be very lucky on vault to be able to use it, or get a staff instead. (Preff the mechagon zapper staff.)

And the only slot I couldn’t get up to a healthy ilvl was exactly my weapon last season - everything else sat on 272+ and my most valuable slot was only 262.

If not, either raiding or PvP it is - and not fond of either. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

After killing tons of tons and tons of mobs for protoform sentience crown, it still adamantly refuses to drop :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
The Game don’t want me to have Buzz

I got one, in the end, from the Olea Cache. The same with much of the rare stuff like that. Mobs don’t want to drop them for me.

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Isle of Conquest. 20 seconds in.

Horde: arrived at mid with 40 players.
Alliance: 3 went to docks, 4 went hangar, and 15 didn’t set off when the gate opened.
Alliance: slowly loses over the next 20 minutes, never able to recover from the 40v18 thrashing.

Honestly, few things make for bigger frustration than those people who are “only” 10-20 seconds behind the main pack. By the time they arrive, the front line is dead. Those “only” 10-20 seconds lose the match.

And this is why I’ve been levelling horde alts. At least they can choose to swap sides on the rare occasion it’s a losing streak.

Fnar Fnar (lots of puerile giggling at that comment). Just the mere thought of the ZM mobs runnning around in their undercrackers fills me with dread…

On topic, got a 278 So’leahs secret technique from the vault - good for group content but nowt else. At least i can keep the 262 trink (cant remember the name of it) in my bag for solo stuff


Forgot how tedious Sanctum of Domination is, especially compared to Nathria. v_v
Plan was to run LFR on my plate characters to finish the transmog set off but not going to bother now. Don’t think I can be bothered doing Normal either.


Compared to Castle Nathria Sanctum and Sepulcher are… lets just say, CN is the best in SL

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It was the only raid this expansion I liked really. :slightly_smiling_face:

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5 characters, 5 keys, and my only choices are junkyard or upper kara.

Also doubles of the same slot in the vault is pretty annoying. Once again I don’t understand why Blizz refuse to look at the vault algorithm and see if it can be made a bit better; e.g. never offer the legendary slot as the first item, never offer the same slot twice, and ideally, look at the lowest item a player has ever looted and offer a replacement for that.

I know, I know “we want them to focus on DF” but please. This is like a 1-day task for 1 guy. Can we not just get it done?

Tbh the Sanctum set is far less inspiring than Nathria’s anyway. For all armour types.

Only reason I’ll be running LFR this week is I have a couple of characters who can get some ilvl in there.

And the 10 win for the Dinar quest
But this week the 4xM0 sounds way better than an LF Sanctum


Tbh, I’ve done 3 wings pretty quickly on a dps character today. No wipes, just… dull. Sylvanas seemed like it would be close, but there were like 5 overgeared guys who just carried the last 10% :joy_cat:

4xM0 may or may not take longer…