1 bullion per week

Oh thats cool. Do you get the currency on alts separetly from your main ?

I am presuming it’s per character, otherwise those playing multiple characters would never be able to gear.

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really, so I can buy the mount without raiding?

  • Earn 1 Antique Bronze Bullion a week per character by defeating Awakened bosses, with the cap rising by 1 each week. Note that if you miss a week, you’ll be able to catch up to the current weekly max.
    • Exchange 2 Bullion for weapons and powerful items from the Dragonflight raids from the vendors in the Parting Glass in Valdrakken.
    • An additional vendor nearby sells J-worth Sr mount for 3 Bullion and cosmetics that grant you the choice of any raid weapon appearance at any difficulty color for 1 Bullion each.

Apply a bit of logic and you can figure the answer to that yourself. Best of luck for S4.

Isn’t that to do with TWW? Not S4.

We’ve all been bombarded with all kinds of information for different game modes, patches and expansions, so I can’t keep track.

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They are giving some bad luck protection and people always unhappy.
Baby steps - next expacs might see more of this, just stop crying omg

We wont. Just like in SL its only for S4 because of how short it is

Exactly, they decided in s4 of SL that getting your bis item in the 2nd or 3rd week and being “done” by the 6th, is kind of TOO FAST for a regular season.

Which I kind of agree, although I would like a system similar to that in regular seasons (even if it takes longer).

The coins from the great vault could be used.
Now you can spend them on a few socket slots / flightstones / 1k gold or some crests.

Give the same vendor a “minor list” of the current season dungeon items.
Like the trinkets / weapons / rings that people are really after.

To combat bad luck from drops / vault weekly loot. Maybe 3-4 weeks for 1 item
And if balanced well (coins vs cost) people can check if their vault is a major upgrade, if not pick a few coins.

When next reset yields a major upgrade from vault? You wont choose coins so your vendor item will have to wait a bit.

That will also help to finalize / optimize your gear once you are fully geared from m+ drops and getting your bis trinket / rings / weapon more reliable.

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your logic is broken go fix it before you post nonsence like this :smiley:

there is a vendor for tmog only not bad luck protection. and a 3coin slime cat mount. 1 token/week is a joke

by the end of d4 you will have 12 bulions - either you buy 6 bis pieces or 3-4 bis (weapons / trinkets ) and 4-6 transmogs .

seems fair.

although my only problem is that we are forced into raids to get them . should be option to get it via m+

It is 1 bullion per week per character.

You can use your bullions to buy gear upgrades on your main, and spend your bullion on alts for the slime cat.

Apparently the Emissary of War quest will reward 1 bulion aswell. (the 4 mythic dungeons quest)
which is up what? every 8 or 9 weeks? :stuck_out_tongue:

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