1 bullion per week

1 bullion a week raid. i think its 240 to collect all the transmog and you can buy one item/gear every two weeks.

So much for their new ways to do and get things. raid or you get nothing.

Pretty sure it’s to get the piece you’ve been unlucky at, not to be used for literally everything where more than half would be unlocked within a number of weeks.


then why bother putting in 24 pages of transmog.

Are you implying literally all those in the 24 pages don’t drop as you raid or play the game?


Again if it drops in raid as you just said no need to put it as transmog pages.

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Are you serious with that question or plain stupid?

The vendor is there to mitigate bad luck.


Its not meant for transmog only for your bis weapons and trinkets. . 1 fully upgradable bis piece every 2nd week is more then on

The vendor isn’t there for you buy everything on it lmao. The items on the vendor also drop from the raids. It’s just a way to help with bad luck if you’re farming an item and it doesn’t feel like dropping.

The vendor’s are there for bad luck protection or to allow you to target a specific piece of gear you want. Gear still drops from the raid and if you lucky to win the roll you get the appearance. Failing that you still have catalyst charges you can accumulate and use those to target any missing pieces.

Hope that helps you and good luck for S4.

Are you confusing this with remix bronze for transmog?

I read that the weekly Emissary quest also gives this.
I really need the slime cat mount, that’s all I can wait for :smiley:

But anyway, it’s really pathetic that they always deliberately slow down everything with the stupid cap.

In S4 in SL it was just to get three bis items. It’s not meant as a system to collect whole sets.

I get the feeling OP is confusing Pandamonium event with the S4 and I can see how they get confused with two massive events overlapping each other and the information.

S4 fated raids only give one bullion per week and you have no control over the raid like we had in SL. We don’t get to turn it on or off as previously and we dont have affixes, the bosses just have increased health and increased ilv loot tables. This decision was made to to prevent CE guilds and players from over gearing the content or so the blue post on wowhead claims. This does slow the gearing process down somewhat but, just as in SL S4, the vendor’s were never a source of gearing. They were there for bad luck protection only.

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Indeed mainly because the same raid isn’t always available making it hard to get your bis.

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Sure, but for the OP’s reason of t-mog there is always the catalyst. If I recall correctly S4 should be unlimited charges so you can just go and convert an item and upgrade it further for the tier you want.

No the op is not.

I am just going by what the devs have repeatedly said over and over, more ways to get things and more of it.

That’s nice and all but it goes against what the devs have hit is over the head with, more ways to get things and more of it.

This is raid or nothing and very little if you do that’s the point. So which is it more ways or not?

Yes and by that they mean, loot drops or catalyst conversions. The vendor’s have to date been limited by the amount of loot you could buy from them. In SL it was 3 items only. In DF it works out more less the same over 7 weeks.

Ok you seem dead set on purchasing your gear so there is no point in further trying to explain it to you.

You really need to read up a bit more on wowhead and you will figure out that upgrades from the open worlds events such as the Bloom etc, M+. HC dungeons, M Normal and Raids and catalyst conversions will all give you the gear and mogs you looking for. That is really more ways to get gear. You don’t even have to set foot once in a raid.

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Am I missing something here? I though this time the reward for doing the raids was a recolor of NF mounts.

Those that missed it last time can buy it from the vendor for their bullion.