1 day mythic raiding guilds?

Hey all.
Looks to me i’m looking for something barely existant.
I’m a young father, I have 2 kids one is 6 and my youngest is 3. She is having a disability, wich makes me not having so much free time.
I can play like 8 hours a week, mostly spread on 2 days.
As an old CE raider, I still want to achieve that, even on a 1 day basis. It is possible, but it looks like the guilds offering this kind of content is hard to find.
Do you guys know any one day raiding guild, raiding any day but fridays or saturdays. Starting at around 19.30 and ending at 23.30 at latest.
Then please hear my call,
Horde/Alliance I don’t care. I’m pretty active on discord outside of raid-/playdays.

Thanks for reading,


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im also intressted, so making a post for some sneaky sneak

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I was looking at starting a guild like this up 1 night a week on either ravencrest or silvermoon for the same reasons you are looking for 1 night a week e.g family.

If you’re interested, add me on bent : poiples#2916 and we could have a chat!

Hi guys! Will delete if not appropriate but I thought I’d share our 2 day a week guild (2 and a half hours a night) in the off chance that you don’t find what you’re looking for :slight_smile:

We are a relatively new guild pushing CE in Shadowlands. We have a very social discord community and are a mature guild (most of our members are working full time). We will be raiding on Mondays and Wednesdays. We are mainly looking for healers (priest, monk, paladin) and melee DPS (paladin, warrior) at the moment. Feel free to hit our officers up on disc if you have any questions!

Hey, sounds great. But with the poor amount of time i’m playing. I don’t see myself leading, or semi leading a guild. I already have a leader job at work, game for me is a relaxation. Thanks for the offer though, ill keep it in mind!

Heya, I didn’t mean you’d have to do any leading but fair enough!

Let me know if you change your mind :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the offer, but I’m realy looking for a 1 day raiding guild. Since I only play 2 day a week, I want to do other stuff except raiding also. My weekly mythic plus needs to be done also, and I should do that on my off - raidday.
Thanks for the offer though!

Hey all came across this post and feel the project guild im working on atm might be a great new home for you all - we are only raiding one day a week Wednesdays 20:00-23:00 ST we are a tight knit group that’s raided on and off since Legion at a mythic level and looking to build up on our new Home Nagrand! Please add me on discord and we can have a proper chat if you are interested Trocks#5145


Added you for a chat :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey if you guys are setting up a 1 day raiding guild I’d certainly be interested. Similar situation where I like doing hard content but lack the time these days. Shall I just add for a chat? Thanks

You can add Poiples#2916
He is making one on silvermoon and looking for ranged dps.


Definitely add me on poiples#2916 for a chat!

Thanks Sharon for the bump!

I found what I was looking for, thanks guys !

thanks I just added you. I’m Light#2747. I’m happy to play either this warlock or i actually usually main holy paladin, but happy with either come shadowlands.

I know this doesn’t apply to you specifically because you said ‘Apart from Fri/Sat’. But for other people interested in Horde then this is us:

I run a 1 day raiding guild on Alliance Ravencrest - One Night Stand
We raid Saturdays 20:00 - 00:00 and have achieved CE in Nya, CN and SOD! :smiley:

We are always looking for solid applicants.