1 Handed weapons sheathed on the back

Hi Transmogg community,

we have 2021 and this isnt an option already ?
People always argue that Blizzcon 2021 didnt give new Charakter Customization, they even said there will be none within SL anymore, which really sucks. But this Option is argued and asked and discussed so often, atleast where i play, and it isnt an option yet.

I mean a few could argue that 1h weapons on the back make no sense but 2h weapons on the back also make no sense at all because no one could unsheathe them.

The other argues are its to complicated to make this for every 1h Weapon.
… ? Hello we have monks for almost all races and they just do this have every 1h Weapon on their back.

I mean i often find myself transmogging 1h weapons that arent sheathed on the back, I really love The Sun Eater or Life and Death but than after a few minutes or hours i change back to the back sheathed weapons cause i cant ignore the fact that it often looks so stupid when they wiggle at my hips.

I dont think (yet i dont know) if this was such a big chance in the system files because monks have it but for me personally it would mean so much stylewise

What do you think fellow transmogg enthusiasts ?

I think it would be a very welcome addition, specially if we can also choose to have 1H that already sheath on the back by default to sheath at the waist, because ironically I would prefer the swords I have mogged to be at my waist instead of my back, but they go on the back by default…

Also, sidenote, give Hunters quivers back as back mog options.

I wholeheartedly second this. There are so many amazing weapon appearances that would look perfect on the back, yet look terrible on the hips. Frost Death Knight’s hidden artifact appearance being the prime example.

Blizzard don’t like logic.

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