Hi Transmogg community,
we have 2021 and this isnt an option already ?
People always argue that Blizzcon 2021 didnt give new Charakter Customization, they even said there will be none within SL anymore, which really sucks. But this Option is argued and asked and discussed so often, atleast where i play, and it isnt an option yet.
I mean a few could argue that 1h weapons on the back make no sense but 2h weapons on the back also make no sense at all because no one could unsheathe them.
The other argues are its to complicated to make this for every 1h Weapon.
… ? Hello we have monks for almost all races and they just do this have every 1h Weapon on their back.
I mean i often find myself transmogging 1h weapons that arent sheathed on the back, I really love The Sun Eater or Life and Death but than after a few minutes or hours i change back to the back sheathed weapons cause i cant ignore the fact that it often looks so stupid when they wiggle at my hips.
I dont think (yet i dont know) if this was such a big chance in the system files because monks have it but for me personally it would mean so much stylewise
What do you think fellow transmogg enthusiasts ?
Imo, a Mace. axe or dagger would look odd if it sheathed on back.
But swords do look quite decent and they all should have that option.
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Twinblade of the Hakkari sheath on back, i’m using that for a transmog on my rogue cause like you, i hate look at extra wiggly weps on hips, imo it just looks plain stupid.
there are already daggers and axes sheathed on the back and also 2h maces so
I was only refering to 1 handed ofc.
1h axe and doesnt look bad on the back
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I’d prefer if we could hide weapons like nearly every MMO.
Use night fae cosmetic back… the vines one
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and please please please make weapons scale properly with race…
Soooo many transmog option they (s)c(h)ould add…
Hide pants
Hide weapons
Hide 1 shoulder, glove, wrist, boot
Put weapons on back, hips, waist, leg
Transmogable grays/whites
Transmog class restrictions loosened
Transmogable/changeable animations
Resizeable weapons and armor… SLIDERS!!!
Combineable head wear (goggles + hat for example)
Add a gazillion random transmogable trinkets. Books, backpacks, pouches, quivers (WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CLASS ITEMS YOU TEASED?!) etc
Transmogable idle poses
Weapon enchants on ranged weapons,pref adds the effect to the shot, bullet, arrow etc
Weapon enchants only show during combat
One intern could add this in like a afternoon but noooooo. Needs to go through a 2 year developement cycle and get scratched due to “budget costs”…
dont forget that they should make so hair comes out under helmets or they have openings for pigtails and other hair i rarely have helmets mogged mostly if the hair isnt cut off randomly
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im not sure if its pandaren or monk, but i can sheath weapons on back.
i want to sheath stuff to the hip. stuff with swords would look so much better. samurai with katana on the back is weird.
but what i really want is boot-sheath.
Ready for somethin’…much…BIGGAH!
its not a panda thing its a monk thing
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There are a number of one handed weapons which have build-in sheath on back.
However, it’s probably time for us to be able to choose which models can. Add a tickbox or something.
Heavy Copper Longsword is looking tired.
thats exactly waht i meant why can a few but others cant ?
Would definitely make sense for casters.
Laughs in Monk XD Also , some axes do indeed look badass. The 2 x One-Handed Weapon version of my current set has 2 glowing red badass axes in its composition