1 hours in queue but no raid founded

I’m playing on Draenor server and I’m in Queue in 1 hours 4 min but no raid found where is all these players ? When I enter the “Select Realm” I’m seeing Draenor is always full but when I enter a Raid queue Raid finder can’t found any Raid. Can anybody explain me ?

If this is DF LFR, they may be doing other content. It is also New Years Day/Eve for some of us so they may decide that being with their closest ones if they have any, is the better way to spend their time tonight.

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To add on Saneko; LFR is cross-server, so your server is completely irrelevant.


Thanks for this information guys <3 But what is the best server for raid did you have any information about this ?

There’s no ‘best server’ for LFR. It’s cross realm.

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I think I can’t earn this Proto Drake transformation :frowning: Anyway thanks for this information guys <3

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