I recently returned to playing WoW after having not played since legion. However, in that time I moved from the US to the EU. I am starting a fresh EU account with one friend that wants to play as well.
I mostly played pvp or solo before, but would now like to get into raiding and m+ as well. Im not super hard core but would like a guild or group that is mature, solid and communicative, not like those big guilds that have a ton of people and nobody ever talks or does things together.
We are willing to roll whatever, and play on any server, although would prefer ones with higher population. We both can accept advice and are wanting to get fairly good at the game.
Weekends we can be on for sure, as well as here and there during the week if scheduled properly.
Thank you for your consideration.
Hello If you are still looking for a guild, we have a newer guild on Ragnaros that is focused entirely on having fun, meeting friends, helping one another, and enjoying the game. I understand this would require you to server transfer, and understand if that is not something you are looking to do
If you wish to contact me, undertale22 on discord or HopesNDreams#2993 on bnet
Have a great day!
I’d like to mention, I’m also an American living in EU!
SC might be what you’re looking for
Soul Crusaders (Turalyon/Doomhammer) (since '07) are looking to bolster our raid and m+ teams. We’re all about taking it slowly but surely with respect to everyone’s capabilities. Our goal is to reach AOTC if possible - starting with Normal and working our way through HC.
We are currently primarily recruiting a regular healer for our M+ runs (info on nights and key levels below), but there is space for a full-time raid healing spot as well (bonus points if you can do both Extra bonus points if you enjoy a DPS offspec as backup
) However, we do also have space for DPS
We have 2 raid evenings (each 1.5h) on Sunday and Tuesday starting at 21:30 server time. So we respect private time and don’t make it a huge chunk of time to be reserved! Of course being on time and prepared is mandatory to ensure a fun and rewarding evening for everyone!
We also run M+ nights with different key levels (Wed = learning and gearing, Thurs = gearing and consolidating, Fri = working towards KSM and beyond) - this does change through the season, as we all progress.
Sounds interesting? Feel free to contact:
btag: sheira#1910
dc: lakshmii#0552 (Or just lakshmii now)
Or feel free to jump straight into an application at discord.gg/g3xmpSj3
Hey man, if you and your friend are ranged dps, by chance, you may be a good fit! We also have a couple of Americans in the guild, me being one of them!
Happy to have a chat if you think we may be a good fit!
If you are still looking for a home we feel like we can offer you a more mature, chilled out established community.
Hey there, Maybe you would like to give us a try !
We’re a new guild consisting of an old group of friends that have been playing WoW and other games together over the past 10-20 years. With the new Warcraft expansions on the horizon, and a Dragonflight tier that isn’t completely annoying to play at the moment, we think it’s time to bring the fun back to WoW! We’re a guild consisting of players of various levels of commitment, but overall aim to make it an enjoyable environment to any and all.
Our aim is to clear HC and dabble in Mythic. We’re not against cutting edge, but this is not our ultimate goal. We run keys any day and time of the week, with a raid plan on the side at the moment. We also aim to please casuals and achievement runners and able them in their runs. Our raiders are all AOTC in this raid tier and are currently helping a solid foundation of guildies to get there as well.
Currently recruiting all specs and classes !
Our schedule:
Wed: 20.00-23.00 ST Main raid
Mon: 20.00-23.00 ST Main raid
Fri: 20.00-23.00 ST Optional (alt) raid
We look for:
- Capable players with an interest in raiding and/or M+
- People that want to be part of a community
- Able to use voice/discord
- Someone that comes prepared, keeps their toons up to date and knows what is expected
- Is a team player
Contact: (Discord/BattleTag)
Pryora: pryora/pryora#2167
Buhm: Buhm/Boem#21663
Hi Lejlinga
I think Aged might be something for you.
We are a guild 1 day raiding guild (sunday) on Ravencrest EU currently 8/9 HC Amirdrassil - Ravencrest is also one of the higher populated servers in EU.
We are all adults with jobs, families and hobbies outside of WoW. Hence the one day a week raid.
We do raiding, M+ (quite a lot of them) and have a lot of activity on Discord. The Officer team/GM have a clear vision for the guild and its important to us that guildmember are a good fit.
Add me on Discord (aethel1723) and I will send you our guildpresentation and we can have a chat
Hey you! Found a new guild already? If you‘re still looking for something new, feel free to contact me in Discord! → Schali
Hey Lejinga,
Take a look at our guild on draenor assuming you are willing to change realm / server.
If you like what you see join our discord and we will take it from there.
Hi Pryora,
Sounds like [A][Eonar] seeks you! Do you have what it takes to… make fun? Experience a fun time with great people in our guild! is a perfect place for you. Want to chat about it?
My battletag is SlimShady#2100
Welcome back! Hope you’ll like it here now.
Read about us
Hi Leijinga and your new friend, hope you are enjoying Dragonflight. If you still are looking for a guild, Hesperus are open to new members.
We are a relaxed friendly guild of mature players. People get together for m+ every evening for fun. We also raid Mon and Thurs, 20:30–23:00 ST, have cleared HC several times and are looking to start Mythic raiding soon.
We’re on Runetotem, Kilrogg, Arathor, Hellfire and Nagrand. If you got any questions or want to come along to try us out, just send me a discord message @gordzgrey.
Take care
Amity is recruiting all players.
We are a guild on Silvermoon-Alliance, we are open to all servers.
We have just started a Heroic raiding group hopefully aiming to progress to mythic once we have enough players. We currently have a mixed talent pool of players. Some who are 9/9hc and some who are 9/9n. We are happy to give anyone with potential a chance!
Raiding times are 10pm - 12am Wed-Thur-Fri.
Please add Stealthwm on Discord