+1 Unsub This game is big garba**

you guys claim that “he will return cus he didn’t give away his gold”?
why would you think so :)?

i normally think that there is 2type of quitters…
1-the people that shift delete game & forget that they ever played it within few days from quitting, those type of players never even bother to tell anyone that they’re quitting.

2- those who realize that He/she been wasting time/money on fail useless game? he/she gets angry & decide on quitting but they talk about it because they wants to gain something in return from wasting effort, therefore they talk about it & for sure they sell their gold/items maybe even the account as whole.

the op! probably sold his gold xDDD “because why not? if he’s quitting”

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You are a simple man yet you want current day complex game play from a 15 year old game.

He/She does not want anything, I think he/she had a point in almost everything said. Pretty much defined the current state of the game.

First the person made it clear it is a he with this statement “I am a simple man” second the game consists of so much more. PvP battlegrounds are in a poor state that is true but there is a full open world. Interacting with people. Raiding. Gathering and crafting. Leveling. Personal goals and on and on. If that player can’t find anything interesting to do in the game so be it. It’s not like someone is forcing him to play.

can u send me ur stuff from bank

Byeeeee hef a gut taim

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Bye have a good one


lol…ok. I am as casual as can be. I still manage to enjoy it. Even get into the odd m+ or normal raid…without raider io OR buying boosts. Stop being so salty.


its certainly not good how they treated the bots situation…

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See you in TBC.

I see tbc as positive. the bots wont be in vanilla anymore and move over to tbc :clown_face:

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You mean RMP simulator with pillar hugging? XD

Or veicle based PvP? If that’s real PvP for you you’d be better with world of tanks.

I agree with that retail sucks but what you said isn’t really true. Get good and you’ll fly up in above average raiderio

You know, conversations is not something i do with human+pala. Now if you add the “classic” player. Things gets 4 times worst here because all these above state your intellectual condition :stuck_out_tongue:

But yes Even RMP is more balanced than classic’s whole wpvp zergshow with worldbuffs :joy:

Well yeah, I guess that lacking arguments brings you to rely on personal attacks.

Old school BGs were the best, if we had all 3 released at once and with the actual Alterac Valley (and not the pre TBC clown fiesta) PvP would have been perfect.

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For me, getting better equipment and then go wPvP rampage, are the only motivations left.
I feel you OP.

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gief wotlk

Humandin problems are well known all around the forums.
Dontworry, nelf druuds are the worst. You are in better state.

Some say a VW Golf 1 was better because the 2020 golf’s get clocked in their intake.
I say, people adjust. The rest keep talking about old school and ages of stones and dinosaurs.

As a Ret main I’d love it, I stopped playing before Icecrown release and I really wanted to play it.