10 man Naxxramas tokens gone?

Have they removed token drops from 10 man naxxramas? I am now on my third week of farming that raid, and I haven’t seen a single boss drop a token piece.
Yet in 25 man, I got token pieces from every single boss that can drop it on my first run.

I’m currently hunting the 10 man warrior shoulders / headpiece.

Shoulders drop from Loatheb, head from Kel’thuzad. Don’t know if they guaranteed, but seems like they are not. Rather unlucky, I guess?

Was just curious if they had changed the loot table. Wrath was a long time ago, so I cannot remember how much of what I got when I raided. But I do not recall it being this bad.

At least I got lucky with some Legion transmog today, so I got that going for me, which is nice.
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