10% rdudu nerf is not enough

1% nerf plus the other nerfs which have happened since, better push some rating today before the changes haha! Then maybe back to resto shaman

Along with ww pls

I’d honestly rather see resto druids than more shamans. They don’t have a ranged kick and grounding totem, at least.

when demon hunters get removed then sure

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Also destro and fire needs a nerf also it’s just retarded what they can do with these essences. 4 internals running after me I’d a bit scary

Rdruids heal a lot, they deserved a nerf of some kind
 although Blizzard overdid it with the 10% all around nerf hammer imho.

Not even remotely true.
Currently Druids outheals Hpal no problem (even Cdew admitted that).
Which shouldn’t happen.

Druids already have their upsides from non-number related things such as short CDs on defs for party and himself, healing while CCed (ticking HoTs) and on-demand immunity to polymorph and pretty good mobility and pretty much immunity to get Solarbeamed. And on demand Bear Form usable while kicked.

So if their healing falls behind MW and Hpal, then good. That’s very reasonable.

They shouldn’t be worse nor better than Hpals, because of their tools. If their healing is worse then Hpals, they will be better in some scenarios and worse in others. That’s good.

EDIT: Just stomped on this video - https://youtu.be/6ZY5xb-7UQU

Lmao “even” cdew. He is one of the biggest druid haters out there, and a huge cry baby about something every other day.

Watch as people abandon rdruids. People were still saying boomies are OP after s1 but they went into low tier after nerfs and destro/ele buffs. Takes a while for others to understand.

He’s also Blizzcon champion and Druid player.

well I hope so, I just don’t believe so, this Druid meta is cancer, Druid is class that shouldn’t have oh shi!t buttons
 that was kinda the point and downside of HoTs
 which doesnt exist anymore
 blizz removing downsides of things creates major issues now

By abusing a broken boomkin trait and bug. I think this is the only time they won the championship ever. He has every healer, he mains shaman and cries 24/7 when it’s not OP like in s1.

What an easy way to show yourself being biased.

rdruid is op need nerf

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