10.0 full content pitch. Wrapping up ideas

Hey everyone!
I’m sorry if you are bored of these “what should be the next expansion” posts. My intention here is to wrap all of those great ideas you can read in different forum posts (and some original) into a full, viable concept pitch of my dream WoW expansion. I hope you going to like it, and plz don’t take it too seriously, it serves only fun theory crafting purposes. Also have to mention this concept is from a casual point of view. The main goal of this concept is to make an expansion, where new and returning player don’t feel lost, and not hard-core players have enough fun content to enjoy the game with their friends.

Key features

  • Reworked Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms: a stable version of Azeroth what would be the base of the next WoW era. → ”horizontal” expansions in the new era
  • Guild system: Rebuild the community oriented game-style.
  • Chromie time 2.0: new solo game mode for old content. Storytelling and follower system.
  • Wider variety of dungeons/raids : 10 man raids, reworked classic raids, mega-dungeons.
  • New class (semi-) role : Support
  • Character power : new class specific item slot, micro-adjustment talent tree
  • More RP elements : voice line customization, Legacy names
  • Unlock allied races for everyone. (keep the heritage armor set and the mounts behind the quest/achi requirements)

Brief story

We returned from Shadowlands, but something happened before, so we got amnesia, we don’t remember even who we are, or what happened before. Five-ten year past since „Champions of Azeroth” left to Shadowlands, hence the denizens of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms don’t recognize us. We start our journey in Azeroth to reclaim our memories and find our place in the world.

Reworked Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms

If blizzard reworks classic Azeroth, I would like to see a quite „stable” version of it. A place where not everything reminds you that, world is in danger, and you have to be the hero who saves it. Every zones could have his own conflicts, but these shouldn’t necessarily connect to the bigger plot. The expansion should have his own story though, but the reworked areas have to work outside this story.

  • Rework Orgrimmar in vanilla style (Huge central square, more relaxing art style, less iron and goblin engineering stuff)
  • No flying mounts allowed in cities
  • No portals, but more public transport (Zeppelin, boat, tram routes)

Technical details of the reworked Azeroth

  • Make it to work like a new expansion continent. When you do the intro quest you spawn on the new Azeroth starting zone, as lvl 1 character. You keep your gear, but not your talents, skills etc. If you want to go back, there is a portal in Caverns of time to the old Azeroth. If you go back you get back the level, what you were in the old version, or if your level is higher than that in the new Azeroth, then stick to that.
  • Gear wise: If you start a new character his starting gear going to be ilvl 252. Every item what’s ilvl is lower than 252 scales up to 252 in the new Azeroth.

Guild System

Community is the most important aspect of an MMORPG. How we ended up at a state of WoW, where this game is mostly a single player game, and almost nothing motivates you to make conversation and long term „friendships” in the game? In classic if you wanted to play certain parts of the game (raiding), you had to be in a guild, had to make long term relations with other players. This was because of the loot system, drop rates, the 40-man raid size, the community interest before personal interest (prio gearing tanks, healers, crafting resist gear, wait for aggro and not maxing your dps etc.) As the game changed over the years this aspect was less and less important I don’t think this was the main intention of the devs, but caused as a side-effect. Just for one example: They create personal loot because it’s less stressful and more fair loot system. Personal loot as a side effect removed an important reason to play in guilds. If you join a pug, you going to have a fair loot system by default, and don’t have to deal with ninja looters. There are more changes like this, boss ID-s in raids, achievements etc. The solution is not to reverse these changes, because those were reasonable answers for certain problems, but to make an environment what motivates ppl. to make long term relations, and play in communities. I would love to see a WoW again, where not the FOMO keeps the player base subbed, but a community what they like to be part of. This is why WoW must have a system to motivate players to actually play with each other.

The rewards of the system

  • Guild town: Build a town with your guild, and build your own house inside this town, customize and decorate for your own style. Learn different blueprints, customization options, furniture, statues for the town.
  • Achievements: Guild achievements for mounts, cosmetics. (f.e.: recolor mount for guild glory achievements, statues for Cutting the edge etc.)
  • Weekly chest upgrade: If you earn the requirements for the 2. weekly chest slot within guild groups (4 dungeons, 6 raid boss, 2500 R-honor), you get the 3. options as well.
  • Weekly guild reward chest: Reward for a „Shape of Fate” style quest. You get progression for any guild activity, and there would be an assault event. The guild chooses one of the 3 „assault” options for the week, (world pvp/simple world quests/outdoor raid event. If enough guild member completes the contribution quest, you get a personal crate, filled with building resources, gold, craft materials. This chest should have a version for players without guild.
  • Customized guild uniform and mount.
  • What should not be reward: any type of character power

The guild town:

  • Placement: You could choose between many areas for your town. This area should be in unused lands and close to a fast travel point (boats/zeppelins). Somewhere in mountains at zone borders. With a size of like Theramore Isle.
  • Building process:
    • Choose a plot–> Choose a functionality -->Choose a blueprint
    • Set colors (roof, base material etc.)
    • Contribute to the construction (resources)
    • Decorate inside
  • Building types:
    • Headquarters: Voting board: decide what to build, what assault you choose for next week etc.
    • Inn: set hearthstone, in game guild calendar board, message of the day, guild info.
    • Armory: Gear presets: basically a bank for gear. Create the guild uniform, Guild bank
    • Stables: create the guild mount.
    • Arena with auditorium: Imagine a server arena tournament, every week hosted by different guild, with in game viewers.
    • Residential buildings: Player housing.
  • Blueprints : Every type of buildings should have at least 4 blueprint (represent all of the original races architectural style. (options to build dwarf/human/night elf/gnome inn in alliance). Add more later on. Get this blueprints with unique guild events.
  • Resources: Every member would get them personally. Get it from weekly guild chest and every form of guild activates.
    • crazy trading option: There would be more type of resources (stone/wood), and you would get them in random proportion. There should be a trading option with other guilds (1 to 1 trading) with a supplier escort event to the closest harbor.
  • Player housing: These buildings should be smaller one, than the others, and there should be place for at least 30-40 of them in a guild town. The officer/guild leader could set the owner of parcels, and the player could build with his own resources. If he leaves the guild, he keeps the blueprint for his house and for a smaller price he could build up again in the new guild.
  • Main rule about customization design: Let the players build ugly, and stupid guild towns, don’t over-regulate.
  • What should NOT be in the guild town:
    • AH; Bank; Barber/Transmog npc; Portals
    • Follower command table
    • Crafting trainers, vendors.; Quest givers.
  • Guild hopping/one man or mega guild prevention:
    • Reset the reputation to 0. You could only get rep to the guild, if you do something in a guild group. Tie rewards to rep.
    • Active guild member status: The member who contributed to the guild assault the previous week.
    • 1 player could get one-one weekly chest reward /horde-alliance/server/account
    • The requirements for rewards, player housing in the town would be optimized for 10-50 ppl.

Chromie time 2.0

There is a big problem with the integrity of older content, storylines, dungeon, raids. You can’t really experience the content of old expansions. The story is a mess, there are removed story elements, questlines etc. Many storylines are tied to dungeon and raid content, and it’s impossible to finish them alone during your leveling. Most of the old content makes no sense for a new player. There are a lot of unused content in the game what could be reworked, to give the players the opportunity to enjoy it.

The Chromie time takes place in Caverns of time. Instead of Hyjal and other CoT dungeon entrances, there are the entrances to different expansions and stories where you could start or continue your journey. (also there would be the portal to old Azeroth). This game mode would be available when you reach lvl 50 with at least one character on your account.

An enhanced Chromie time feature would be designed for solo gameplay. (but there would be option to play with your friends) The core of this feature would be a modernized narrow, focused quest-chain what would be lead you through an expansion or a storyline. What does it mean? Let’s take the campaign structure of Shadowlands (a main campaign with optional side quests) and imagine a similar one with the story of Burning Crusade or Wrath of the Lich King. This campaign would lead you through the zones, the dungeons and even the raids of that expansion. You could experience the story and the mechanics of dungeon and raid bosses with the help of your companions. There are 2 main goals of this system.

  1. Play through the whole WoW story on your own pace.

  2. A strategy/tactical oriented challenge of old dungeons and raids.

The follower system

During your leveling in the reworked Azeroth, you would unlock companions (like in WoD). They going to be your „group” in the Chroime time system. (and the followers at the usual command table mini-game)

These companions would have a class, 3-5 gear slots, own talent tree, you could transmog them and customize their outlook. In the vanilla like talent trees you could enhance or unlock spells for them. Followers would have 4-5 spells active at a time. They would have a passive auto cast, filler spell (f.e.: fireball,) 1-2 passive spell (mage armor. auras etc.) one active spell (polymorph, interrupt) and a longer cd spell (combat res, bloodlust). With only 1 active spell It would be easy to manage your team during fights on an action bar (like pet bars).

The dungeons and raid bosses would be more of a strategy challenge, and not „reflex/skill based” challenge. To beat them you have to build your team to suit the fight. Bring the right Companions, spells, talents, gear. If a boss cast a heal, you need more interrupt for that boss fight, or more cc etc.

If you doing outdoor quests you would have only 1 companion by your side, 2 in dungeons, and 4 in raids. With the increasing numbers of companions, the complexity of fights would raise too, so you could replicate the original tactics and mechanics for the bosses. There would be 2 different difficulty mode for the dungeons and raids. One easy just for the story, and one more challenging for greater rewards.

During the quests the companion would make conversations with you, and be a narrative tool for the story. They could tell you less important parts of the expansion story, which did not fit into the narrowed down campaign. This whole follower system would be account wide. Every character of yours would have the same followers with the talents, gear etc. you choose to them before.


  • Level up alt with this system – hence the followers are account wide, if you finished BC with an alt, you can go into Wotlk with another one, and continue the progression.
  • Unlock transmogs, mounts, reputation – You would get the transmogs from quests and dungeon/raid loot, just like now when you doing old content. If you finish an expansion/raid you would get a token to buy a specific transmog of your choice from that expansion.
  • Achievements – Devs could optimize the dungeon/raid hero achievments and many more to be achievable when you doing dungeons in Chromie time.
  • The currency of this system is Timewarped Badge. You would get it for bosses, and finishing chapters of the campaign. You could buy gear for your alts during leveling, and everything what’s currently available for TwB.

Timewalking dungeons

What to do with the current Time walking system? Mostly just leave it as it is. I have 2 change to suggest though.

  • Time walking event should be in every 2 weeks.
  • Every Time walking dungeon and raids should scale to 252 ilvl.

Time walking currently is the „wild mode” (from hearthstone) of WoW. Players love to make builds with outdated, overpowered gear, borrowed power, gems etc. Let these ppl play that game. Every item what you loot in the old world (pre 10.0) should scale with your level up to ilvl 252. The meaning of this is that every single item would be useable in time walking dungeons regardless of its original ilvl.

Bring Island of expedition and Torghast with BFA and SL time walking event.

Leveling experience

We got amnesia, so when we wake up in the starting zones. We start at lvl 1 with no skills, no mount. We can keep our gear though (technical reasons) and new players start with last normal raid tier equivalent starter gear. (ilvl 252). As we leveling up we remember more and more skills of us.

The first zone gives us the basics about the game, what’s going on in Azeroth etc. This should be the starting zones for the new players as well.

When we finish the first zone (lvl 10) we got back the skill to use mounts again (60% speed, and ground only (flying mounts only in 10.1.)). After this point we can choose what zones we want to start to lvl at the Command Board (just like, how it works now).

The mini campaigns are leading us through 2-3 zones. They are totally detached from each other and from the main story. During these quests we get know Azeroth and our characters better. This stories could tell us more about the main plot, but should not be actively part of it. (during design, have to keep in mind, that these quests, and zones has to be logically uncompromised by the story of the next 2-3 expansions. – that was not a concern during Cata rework) You can do the campaigns in any order you want. They are not required to do all of them to level up. If you finish one campaign, you unlock the world quests on those zones. (account wide)

At lvl 20, we get our first class quest in the designated class hall (not instanced, but completely designed to represent 1-1 class fantasy.) These quests are more like fun challenges (smt. like mage tower). There are easier one to teach you, how to use different abilities of your class (for example: rogue’s stealth/pickpocket mission, priest: mind soothe/mind vison etc.), and more challenging ones for cool cosmetic rewards. The rewards for this quests would be the new(?) class specific items (librams, quivers, idols, totems etc., and class specific mounts and cosmetics.

At level 30, we can start the main story campaign and make progress every week. Keep questing, doing dungeons and other activities till hit lvl 60.

Dungeon and raid types (with loot ilvl if it were 9.1)

  • Standard dungeons : Just like now. normal (up to 184/hc (197) /mythic (210)/m+ (up to 246) mode.
  • Mega-dungeons: Designed purely for questing, storytelling, fun mechanics and puzzles. They never going to be part of M+ roaster.
    • Normal mode for leveling ( scale up to 210)
    • Mythic and Hard mode (226/233)
  • 10 Man raids : Same as mega-dungeons, only mythic mode. Quite challenging, but fun and not competitive design. Mostly reworked classic raids. Some Legendary powers drops here.
    • Mythic (236)
    • Last boss (242)
  • Standard raids : same as now. (N-226/233; HC-239/246; M (252/259)

Content schedule sample


  • 10-12 standard dungeon (M+ season is 6 of these + 2 sl/bfa/legion dung, changes every season)
  • 4-5 mega dungeon (f.e.: Sunken Temple, Maraudon)
  • 10-man raid: Onyxia
  • New Standard raid

10.5 :

  • New mega dungeon (f.e.: Blackrock Spire,)
  • New 10-man raid: Molten Core
  • New Chromie time story


  • New Standard raid
  • New standard dungeon
  • New zone (something like Blasted Lands, Ungoro/Silithus etc)


  • New mega dungeon: Fulborg Cave in Azshara
  • New 10-man raid: BWL
  • Wotlk in Chromie time

Class design

Currently all of the healer specs are designed to heal and do dps. There is no pure support spec. Some of these specs are feeling right as semi-dps. Disc priest, and holy paladin healing is somehow tied to doing dmg, but other classes could be work as a healer + semi support class. . If we follow this thread, there could be semi dps/support and tank/support specs as well.

New/reworked specs:

  • MW monk: heal/funnel support (like Mercy in OW)
  • Resto Shaman: heal/party support with totem buffing spells (smt. like classic shaman totem twisting, and paladin seals)
  • Demon Hunter 3. spec: Ranged dps/support
  • Battle mage: Melee dps/support
  • Blood dk: Tank/support
  • Hunter tank spec: BM/survi hunter rework or 4. hunter spec (i’d prefer to rework BM into a melee tank spec, and redesign survi hunter spell animations into a Javelin spec. Bomb=explosive javelin, serpent sting= poison javelin, kill shot=throw a javelin. or at least give hunters glyphs to change these animations.

Character Power

Main rule: get rid of borrowed power systems, and replace them with permanent solutions.

Compared to Shadowlands:

SL equivalent10.0

Legendary → The same, but add more fun, and group synergy based power.

Tier sets: → Get tokens from raid/dungeons/pvp vendor, and craft them like SL
legendaries. Different sets and set bonuses for M+, PVP, and Raid.

Conduits, soulbinds → Talent tree. Blizzard struggling for a long time, with these borrowed power systems to replace the original micro-character power customization tool: the talent trees. Keep the current choose from 3 format, but there should be an additional tree for micro adjustments. The 3 spec inside this tree would be the class specific equivalent of potency/endurance/finesse.

Covenant abilities → Class specific item slot: librams, quivers, idols, totems etc. Transmogable and gives you a new ability. Get them from class quests.

More RP elements:

  • Choose from 3-4 voice line options/race/gender for your character. Your avatar finally takes part in the conversations.
  • Over the shoulder camera mode option (for casual reasons)
  • Legacy names for characters: It comes from Swtor, you can choose one „family name” for all of your characters on a server. (could be useful, if devs decides to merge the connected servers)

Some thoughts about why this could be a more realistic concept, than you think at first sight.

  • Many world assets could be „borrowed” from earlier expansions (BFA, SL). Some zones are using the same assets. This also true for dungeons. That 10-12 dungeon I mentioned earlier its actually 6-7 if you looking at the design and other assets. (RFK/RFD, 2 Dire maul, 2 Scarlet monastery etc.)
  • Most of the quests in the old zones are timeless and reusable.
  • The followers in the chromie time 2.0 could be stolen from HS mercenaries. backstories, voice lines etc.
  • Most of the mentioned new systems are just upgraded version of something what’s already in the game.
  • It’s probably faster to rework, then creating something from zero.
  • SL is a short expansion (content wise), and this would be the start of a new era. Devs, take your time and create something, what brings new players into WoW. (If you look at the time gap between the last content patch of WoD and Legion release its more than 1 year 2 month. If 9.2 comes in feb/march, the 10.0 release could be in 2023 May or Aug/September. That’s a lot of time for creating a new expansion.

Thank you for reading, and Happy Holidays!


For legendaries I would just go back to the old model of doing a long questline to get your legendary. Legendaries don’t really feel special when you have dozens of them to choose from.

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You put alot of work in this for sure. If i were you i would demand to get paid by Blizzard for all theese ideas.

Ty for your comment, but I would be happy if just one of them would be implemented into the game

I just scrolled down this wall of blah-blah-blah very fast but I saw nothing about new BGs. What about PvP?

Sounds awesome.

Zero interest.
Also: I do NOT want player housing to have anything to do with my guild.
I want player housing to be MY thing. Mine, and mine alone. I do not want others to have ANY say or control over what and how I do things regarding MY home.

Not feeling it, sorry. I love solo content, but I don’t want to run old content yet again.

No interest.

Not needed honestly. The trinity system is fine.

I’m not sure I want talent trees back tbh. There’s still the bloat problem then at some point.
Horizontal progression which stays is the key, imo.

Hands off BM. I don’t want to tank. Not now, not ever.
4th spec would be fine, or surv. But NOT BM.

The game would be beyond dead if that were to happen.
No. 10.0 NEEDS to launch in 2022.

Cheers and thanks for posting.
Can’t say I agree with many of your ideas, but that’s fine.

Usually such ppl dont rly play higher end game and definitelly do not play pvp.
Followers, guild towns, lvling content? Its all just side content.

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Yes because that means lot less time spend on tuning useless legendaries :smiley:
if i remember correctly tarecgosa wrath leggo was BIS even during DS
and that is item i can call legendary
it had cool story line with quests and after you were done it felt good to do DMG and you could even change into DRAGON

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But to be fair
without all THAT side content
what is happening to this game ? :smiley:
you have pvp m+ and raids
that is all cool
but if i want to play LOBBY GAME i would start playing COUNTER strike or LoL cause that is actually a PVP experience
wow is MMO
just remember that
but for a WORLD and social aspect

You know whats funny? WoW as this so called MMORPG is the only online game I ever played alone.
All friends you find just quit sooner or later, more sooner than later, because the game is garbage and on low effort maintenance mode. We rely on super outdated and bad version of LFG system, where you dont even want to communicate with ppl in 90%+ of the cases. You do your chores and move to another group. Even if you find new friends, they just quit anyway. WoW has very little in common with the original mmorpg idea. Its a hamsterwheel full of chores. Thats all.

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Player house: In my idea you would have full controll over your house. You choose what kind of building do you want, how to decorate it. Who do you let in etc. The only thing would be controlled by the guild is the place inside the town, what’s kinda reasonable, I think.
An easy solution for this would be to allow players to build a house somewhere else, but you could have only 1 house.

Trinity system: I agree with you. What I suggested tho, is to give some healer specs (maybe tanks or dps) a support ability toolkit, what they could use in the downtime when they are not healing, instead of dpsing.

BM hunter: Fair point, I expected that reaction. Savest choice is the 4th spec.

Thanks for your comment!

Ye right now? it is garbage mainly because there is no more WORLD in world of warcraft
this is no longer an MMORPG game
this is just m+ dungeon raid and pvp simulator for people
i have no problem with that cause i like doing m+
but the game shouldn’t be build AROUND that
That’s why blizzard should start listening to people who just runs around the world
and want these kinds of stuff back in game
cause not high M+ or ARENAS or mythic raids will save wow
but the CASUALS who just wants to play for FUN and do some random stuff in the WORLD will save it


Yeah. Your are right. Thanks for pointing that out! Somewhere I got pvp out of the scope during writing. So let’s see some ideas about world pvp and bg-s.

World PVP:

Current state of the world pvp: 1 quest in every 8 hours, what you can complete without actually doing pvp, and around 5 achivements tied to this 4 quests overall. Spiced with the bounty reward.

There should be events (Horde vs Alliance or FFA) with an objective, what requires actual pvp or group effort to complete. If somebody reach that objective, another event instantly pops up with a few minutes waiting timer somewhere else.

  • Resource carrier escort: Horde vs alliance. Attacker team has to kill the guards, defenders has to defend the carrier. Enemy elite mobs attack the carrier too.
  • „Loot the chest” type event: Free for all. You can party up with your guild for extra rewards. Enemy Npc-s defending the treasure.
  • Kill a Horde/Alliance Officer inside a town.

Rewards could be the usual Honor/Mark of Honor and more:

  • Some % progression for the Vicious Saddle mounts (It’s easy to get them anyway with the 1000 min raiting change.
  • Crafting materials
  • Blueprint or other requirements for the pvp related buildings in the Guild Town. (only within guild groups ofc)

Crazy stupid idea: Vanilla Style World pvp ranking system for the guilds.

  • Main issue here is to create the scaling for different guild sizes.
  • Rewards could not be the rating req. pvp items, but needs something more than cosmetics and titles.


We didn’t get any new bg for a while now. It would be nice to have some refreshing new bg or a brawl. I know a lot of ppl going to hate this idea, but I’m really courious, how could the battleroyal game mode be implemented in WoW.

Possible maps: Silithus, STV, Un’goro, EPL.

Rules are the typical battleroyal setup. 15-20 three member teams drops out from an airship, start looting and killing each-other til only 1 team left. Circle (sandstorm, flood, Volcanic Ash, Plague) reduces the area by time.

Gear should not be lootable, only consumables.

Lootable items:

  • Health potions, resurrection scrolls, Limited invulnerability, Resist potions, Dmg boost etc.
  • Old school engineering items: Granades, Mind control helmet, Rocket boots, Glider
  • 3-seat mounts: Giant worm, devilsaur, crocodile, meat wagon.

About rated pvp, my only suggestion would be some kind of anti-boost element. For example: If you reached 1600/1800/2100 raiting, then your rating and mmr may not go below 1200/1400/1800 in the season.

What do you think?

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well i belive 10.0.0 wil be a Eluna ( moon queen ) xpac

Yup, it’s alot easier to balance legendaries when everyone’s using the same one.

10.0 will be happening like this.

New world of warcraft 10.0 Cinematic with Redeemed Sylvanas (high elf form) beating someone up in Azeroth because the guy she beaten up did something wrong (which old sylvanas would’ve liked but new redeemed sylvanas cant stand for) all the while screaming now:

For the poor people that all got controlled by the jailor poor arthas was never at fault waaaaaaah

Like going to war with High elves for example.

Then at the end of the cinematic as always blizzard will tease it as

Best addon eva, since they tend to do this since legion, being proud of themselfs for good looking water.

After that pre-orders start. Ofcourse, game cant be sold for 40€ and 60€ anymore because they have to somehow justify deluxe edition box price for 180€ this time. So i guess base price is somewhat 90€.

After game gets into Alpha and beta, they will get tons of feedback. Thing is, we call it feedback but they call it something the like off:

“People have no idea what they want just be quiet and play whats good for you”

See: Legion, Bfa and shadowlands for reference. Quality content after all.

Game go’s live:

10.0 is an absolut Bummer, nothing in the world changed there are no new quest lines or anything, because you only paid to go back to azeroth after all. Patch 10.1 will have the content, problem is it will release only 1 year after 10.0 release. Because thats standart practice these days.

So what will blizzard do? Instead of selling you 6months sub’s with 1 Mount, they instead now will sell you 12month subs with 1 mount and 1 pet.

People will go insane about this good deal

Despite there not being any content, shop content is good content after all. Source: general discussion forum.

10.1 Goes live, 1 year later cuz “delay of corona” in 2020 so effectively 2 years after addon 10.0 went live we finally get content.

Content will be released 1 quest per week instead of the complete questline/story for that arc, because people like that ever since legion. Effectively having 10 quests over 10weeks resulting in 5minutes of new content.

But hold my beer, the quests, that get released are repeatable each week, because grinding is content. Source: general discord.

New enemy is someone that was set up in warcraft 1 THIS TIME BTW.
Since the jailer plot of Warcraft 3 came finally to an end

And we have to encounter the new arch enemy of all living creatures, the creature that even puppetiered the jailer himself, because in fact it was not him who was evil, it was the guy we saw between the lines in Warcraft 1.

Its a plot that was set up 25 years or something ago and will finally find its endings in 10.2 (which will be endcontent for that addon since it seems to be a trend these days due to corona)

After defeating said villain (cant say his name cuz it would be spoiler) in the only raid we will have for that addon (because what is content supposed to be anyway. Sauce: General Discord) People go insane about the quality of the new shop mount, pet, toy and transmog all released together this time, and you know what? You can get a special deal on it if you sub for the 12month bundle aswell, good times to be alive despite corona started 4 years ago. Finally the Warcraft 1 arch enemy we never seen but who plottet all comes to an end and we are finally free to have fun again… But then it happens.

The between the lines of Warcraft 2 most hatet arch enemies who controlled the jailer (whos plot startet in warcraft 3) and the enemy and puppetier of the jailor (cuz jailor was never bad but controller) From warcraft 1 are finally showing face, this time its 2 enemys. Cant say there names again (but for infos on that replay warcraft 1, you will find hints on it everywhere).

So we have to defeat both of them in the duration of 11.x.x with 2 raid tiers (i know its a bit to much after only having 1 raid tier in 10.1) and finally plot up all the twists those evil beings startet we first saw in warcraft 2 and controlled EVERYTHING we knew so far.

Pure evil. Indeed.

Actual 10.0 feature list

More never before seen water

More retconned lore to shoehorn another Who™ into the game as an endgame boss

New level cap

More spells! But wait you lose 2 spells for each 1 you get

Khadgar’s back, but now he has exhausted all of his useful helplines so he turns to his old childhood friend Mankrik who actually became a necromancer after tragically losing his wife and together they bring back a multitude of beloved franchise characters from the maw

More shop mounts!

A brand new, never before seen invisible (!) island that was discovered just off the coast of Ashenvale after the burning of the world tree covered the island in ash

Help the inhabitants of Inviso-land understand what makes the heroes of Azeroth™ tick by reliving your past glories, re-ignite the powers of your artifact weapon, azeroth neck and covenant and show these inhabitants what you’re all about!

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i like everything you predicted. It seems our predictions are similar.

Guess im not the only one having seen the arch-enemy of azeroth in warcraft 1 !

cant wait until the plot twist finally wraps up tbh. 10.1 gonna be the best raid ever

Edit: Maybe one of the most evil arch-enemys that has yet to come is the

Newest-New-version of water itself :exploding_head:

1. Revamp the UI completely (with options to switch back to old one, piece by piece, it’ll be the most significant update to make it seem like 10.0 is really different.

2. New Class - Chronomancer (heal/ranged/melee dps - wears mail) - shut up about balance, wow will never be balanced fully, more classes to play with are always good. But what if they’re useless or OP?? Well… maybe Blizz devs can get off their collective hides and start nerfing/buffing when it’s obvious that it’s needed.

3. Professions revamped - have them all be needed equally, as such they need to each provide something to enhance the players gear or themselves (even gathering ones), along with this, i don’t see why only Engineering has to have fun stuff, put on your thinking caps and make them all have something that’s cool/fun to use!

4. Versatile outdoor opponents - even the trashiest of trash should have more than 1 spell or attack available to them, have outdoors trash able to act like a mini player with lots of abilities (and ways to counter them ofc), have less enemies but the ones we encounter are not a 5 second encounter, but they also give out some cool drops!

5. One expac without a weekly gaining power system - Let’s have one expac where we get to max lvl and we have all power that out classes need, any extra powers we get should be just from gear, like set bonuses. As such alts would only need gear too to get caught up.

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