10.0 Priest Wishlist

Alright. Alternative solution, allow more classes to use their buffs on others. It might be fun, a cooperative thing to be less focused on the meter. I, for one, am looking forward to ruining everyone’s cool weapon mogs with Seraphim.

Hey, buffing others is kind of a Bard thing.

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Nah, PI is fantastic as it currently is with the finesse conduit. But they can def improve disc and shadow spec massively though as they seem very weak now.

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Just to clarify: Personally, I don’t have a problem with PI (or any other external buff for that matter) in general.

I am just trying to be practical.

Does it feel nice when you can contribute something unique in a group setting and does it make you feel special? Yes, I think so.

Is it enjoyable to listen to your Teammates constantly bicker about Power Infusion, to have people whisper you that they want Power Infusion, to have people in a Mythic+ Key type that they want to have Power Infusion every 30 seconds, to have people whisper you after you have finished an encounter, telling you that you used Power Infusion on the wrong player, and that they would have been “the best target” for it?
What if, it doesn’t even matter, and even if you didn’t use Power Infusion at all, you would have still finished the encounter succesfully?

Well, I for one don’t enjoy it. If you do enjoy it, and I don’t enjoy it, well then who’s to say which one of us is right?

There are numerous other abilities, that also make a class or spec feel unique and special. Just to name a few from the top of my head:
Mass Dispel. Spell Reflection. Spellsteal. Mind Control. Ring of Peace. Death Grip. Gorefiend’s Grasp. Leap of Faith. Demonic Gateway, Stampeding Roar and Wind Rush Totem. Innervate, Mana Tide Totem and Symbol of Hope. Pain Suppression, Guardian Spirit, Ironbark, Blessing of Sacrifice, Blessing of Protection Life Cocoon, Spirit Link Totem. Divine Hymn. Force of Nature, Earth Elemental. Divine Shield with the Final Stand Talent. Anti-Magic Shell and Cloak of Shadows. Enrage Purges, Magic Purges, Disease, Poison, Curse, Magic Dispels.

I don’t know about you, but when I use Mass Dispel to remove 7 Stacks of Bursting or use a Lifegrip to save someone on the Sire Denathrius March, it feels just as good to me as giving someone Power Infusion.

So the options are to remove this one spell from the game, or expecting all those envious people you talk about to grow up. I’m not saying you are wrong, I don’t even disagree with you. I’m being practical. And one of these 2 options is clearly a lot easier to implement than the other.

And just in case anyone comes up with the smart suggestion to just “play with other people”, “just play a different game” or that this is just “part of an RPG”: That argument can also be used both ways: If you want external Buffs to be such an integral part of the game, why don’t you just play another game? WoW Classic has Power Infusion as well, and a myriad of other Buffs like Retribution Aura on top of that, with even more being added in Wrath of the Lich King Classic.


This isn’t a question of right or wrong. It’s a case of people malding over a number on an external website. I barely ever get even whispered in keys for PI. When I played kyrian Rdruid last season nobody ever asked for the buff like… ever.

I’m also being whispered by people while tanking. ‘Pull these too’, ‘pull less’, ‘why do you pull these’, ‘stop kiting’. I’ve had people leave a key, because I didn’t wanna skip the first packs in Plaguefall lmao.
I guess the most practical solution here is to remove tanks. /s

Obviously not. If it could, I’d be fine with having a toy that makes you unable to get PI. People who don’t want it, can’t get it then. But I guess that wouldn’t solve the issue.

If I had a talent that let me choose between a 2min cd PI I could use on anyone vs a 1½ min cd PI (or otherwise improved) that was personal, I’d put myself first, 100%.
Thankfully no one bickers for my PI because I play Shadow. Like, we tried to juggle and trade it in raids, but in the end my rotation was too complicated to rely on that. Mostly I just wanted to opt out on the drama. Atm we have DPS so good the tanks can’t keep bosses from smacking them, I don’t think they need my help.

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