100% reproduceable with amd 6000 series gpu's pink screen bug + raytracing bug

Setting renderscale to non native so bassicly above 100% or below 100% can trigger pink screen in revendreth

Corrupted ray traced shadows that can appear in many areas of the games, easily reproduceable especially in same area in oribos near the portal, also triggers in maldraxus coliseum however not 100% of the time

AMD ain’t fixing this ever probably so i figure i post it here
This is not a dying gpu btw, pink screen will instantly go away setting render scale back to 100% as well.

Better video demonstrating pink screen

Here is another video if you change resample quality from bicubic you get a gradient texture instead of a glitchy mess

edit: rather then bumping i found out if you disable MSAA this bug also go’s away so MSAA + renderscale does not play well on AMD gpu’s like rx 6000 series possibly older gpu’s as well.