10.0.7 Releases the 22th of March! 10.1.0 Announcement and M+ Dungeon pool (+ No affixes) in Season 2!

Why wait with the Affix fix till Season 2?
Just remove them now.

it is just the seasonal affix that is gone and they will rework the level 7 affixes.
thatdoesnt mean all affixes will be gone.
especially fortifjed and tyrannical will stay. also bursting sanguine raging etc. will stay the same.
they will change quaking, grievous, explosivesā€¦

I thought the patch would come out after the Diablo IV Open Beta, somewhere in early April.
But it seems that Blizzard wants WoW to get out ahead of Diablo IV, which makes sense as well.
I guess that will apply for patch 10.1 as well, because Diablo IV is scheduled to release on June 6. So a release in mid or late May seems likely, which is sooner that I initially expected. Kudos if thatā€™s what Blizzard are aiming for.

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Please just remove Tyrannical and Fortified, off-set it with mechanics coming quicker on bosses or just remove the increased HP, to keep at least some difficulty but make it less of a boring 5 minute+ punching bag fight.

Some bosses have simple mechanics, but even with decent enough damage youā€™re just sitting there bashing all your buttons and it takes way too much time to finally get it down unless you probably already have BiS gear.

Take longer = Not fun.

The announcement says No More Affixes !

What I can understand from that is No More Affixes in Mythic plus. Right?

The announcement says No more SEASONAL afgixes :smile:

Now I`m confused. So thy will scrap all old ones and bring new pain ones?

Damn it, And I had such a good sleep last night know they will remove affixes for good.

American bias strikes again. Europe gets everything a full day later.

underrot is a trigger warning for me it was my first m+ ā€¦

Are you the real one? Because this is a bit dense even for him.

If Iā€™ve been trolled, well played!

I am the real one. My other Account got silenced because I dared to critizise Golden.

they rework level 7 affixes, they scrap the seasonal one. now instead of 4 we have 3 weekly affixes. still a net win but am cautious of any rework as hey could make it worseā€¦

I canā€™t help it, but I donā€™t feel hype for 10.1.

Iā€™m not really looking forward to going underground; it just seems dark and depressing to me. Iā€™m not looking forward to the raid; boring concept that weā€™ve seen twice already (if not more).
The world content seems extremely limited and gearing looks to be an even shorter commitment in that content than it was in 10.0.

Iā€™m looking forward to having more story stuff to do and more renown (and rep) to grind, but thatā€™s about it; most of the themes and general feel of the patch donā€™t appeal to me. Maybe the time for a break is nearing; my current sub lapses in April.

If thereā€™s an amazing month of Trading Post goodies that I feel I have to get, I can always re-sub for that period, but the patch is not ā€˜doing itā€™ for me, honestly; hell, Iā€™m more excited for 10.0.7 than I am for 10.1.

well underrot is a difficult dungeon, while FREEhold, is exactly that but quite fun at least.

I am not looking forward to the DF dungeons and also not to Vortex pinnacle. Out of all cata dungeons, this must be the worst to pickā€¦ Fan favorite? rofl. Grim batol or primal core (or what the dungeon was) or even halls of light (was it?) would actually a much better choice.
I always hated VP in timewalking already

halls of infusion will definitely take the crown of the worst dungeons ever designed. I donā€™t know how it will be in M+ but on M0 the bosses do more dmg than AA +10 on tyrannical. Every single boss in that dungeon has the potential to delete the group and I donā€™t think we want to talk about the stupid bridge at the end at all lol

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