- New PvP Talent: Master Shepherd – While an enemy player is affected by your Polymorph or Mass Polymorph, your movement speed is increased by 25% and your Versatility is increased by 6%. Additionally, Polymorph and Mass Polymorph no longer heal enemies.
- New PvP Talent: Ethereal Blink – Blink and Shimmer apply Slow at 100% effectiveness to all enemies you Blink through. For each enemy you Blink through, the cooldown of Blink or Shimmer are reduced by 1 second, up to 5 seconds.
- Frost Bomb (PvP Talent) explosion damage increased by 50%. Dispelling Frost Bomb before its explosion now grants a charge of Brain Freeze.
10.1 moves precognition to a gear slot making one talent slot free for us. Devs were kind enough to supply mage with two new pvp talents and frost bomb buff. These are fairly interesting, let’s take a look at them and discuss possible play in meta.
-Master shepherd:
I absolutely love this one. Not only a 6sec blind but also a damage buff? Yes please. Sheep from CC only spell becomes an integral kill target spell. You can sheep defensives without healing your target, you can sheep after opener right on your big cast (GS, pyro). Meta talent.
-Ethereal blink:
Another mobility tool in mage wide movement options. In melee heavy shuffle meta even with toolkit we got so far sometimes we are still missing something to successfully peel. This is how crazy gameplay became - most mobile ranged class is having hard time peeling because of how overloaded with mobility are melee. Interesting part is here for each enemy not players only, that means this talent will be also play in offensive against ranged pet specs. Situational B / A tier talent with synergy for shimmer and displacement talents. Blink offensively through melee players apply slow get a charge or step displacement back ? I can see this happening.
-frost bomb:
Rather boring talent but with good synergy for orb/blizzard/ring kiting mage. 1.5 sec cast time with 15s CD it will frankly become a new meta for frost. Blizz is really pushing BF procs with new set and this change to bomb. With this aligning I can see GS will become a dead talent in favour of frost bolt / BF focused gameplay. So for peeling kiting games we are pushing frostbomb along with rings, while on casting games we are just gunning frostbolts fishing for big ones.