[10.1.5] Current Gearing System is the BEST one yet!

Having stuff to do all season long is fun (imo). Having something to work towards is fun (imo). Being able to keep getting upgrades throughout a season is fun (imo).
I see plenty of reasons. :blush:

I think you missed the part where I said:

It’s a bit steep. SoulSoBreezy did a video on this concept and showed how long it would take to gear up in that way. Let me put it this way:

To convert a whelpling crest to a wyrm you’d need 1000 of them.
1000 whelpling > 100 drake > 10 wyrm > 1 aspect.

That’s too restrictive. You will MAYBE be able to get 1 aspect crest in a season. Plus: you’re going to need those drakes and wyrms to upgrade as well; so you won’t be able to save them all up.

So no; I don’t think 10:1 is a good ratio. That will only benefit people within a certain bracket for that bracket (for example as a world content player it will make it easier to get drake crests, because we’re getting way more whelping crests that we hardly ever use - that’s something, sure, but it’s not the solution I am personally looking for).

Maybe an idea would be to start a season with a 10:1 ratio and then throughout the season (probably during the 2 minor patches that come after the big patch), they could lower the ratio (8:1 and then 5:1 maybe). So it would be faster to gear later on in the season.

Why would you want to do world quests for 1 bit of loot every 2-3 weeks when you can Mythic raid or do M+?
Most of my guild were 441 within 2 weeks of the season 2 launch. They would have no use for the loot from WQ.
People in Tah’s situation would have a great incentive to keep playing long past the time where they have completed the content if they could get max level gear from world content.
I cant imagine anyone that raids or does M+ getting upset that open world players can get max level gear over a much longer timespan that they can. Seems a bit petty.

Honestly as someone with 444 ilvl, who can upgrade still to 446/7 easily, if I grind a little, I would not mind at all, if casuals can get to 441, as long as their gearing path is made in a way, where it’s not worth for me to do world quests over doing a +16 at any given time. As a dps player I also appreciate it, if I could grind gear, while signing up for groups. I would approve, and I don’t think my accomplishments in the game would be diminished at all. On the contrary, I would like it, if more people with low exp tried to do end-game with their new gear as some sort of incentive. It’s the same in pvp: I think people should get way better gear for unrated content too than currently.

However, in the end it’s also a MMO, and I think gearing in general should be way more grindy than it is, but not time-gated

Oh but they do though. The thought that “EGADS! SOMEONE DOESN’T PLAY MYTHIC OR RAID??!!??!! Go play a single-player game and stop infesting my game with your non mythic plus shenanigans!”

Then wonder why people like me avoid Mythic like the proverbial plague.

I guess there are still some people out there that get upset about it.
I could understand it in classic when it was difficult to get gear. I still remember when i first started playing, inspecting players who had raid gear and you just knew that they had worked for it.
Now Blizzard showers everyone with easy loot all the time, the only players that dont get access to this gear are the ones who only do world content.
If Blizz opened this up it would aid player retention. They just need to make sure they do it in a way that is moderately slower than M+/Raids or PVP.
Would be ideal if a world player could get full max level gear within the season. Seeing as it only takes 2-4 weeks for a PVE player to get that level i dont think making it take 12-16 weeks for World players to get it would cause an issue.

The main thing that annoys me about this gearing system is honestly just that it feels a little over complicated and it’s taking up 8 bag slots with what is to me now completely useless junk, and most of it being junk to me the whole time.

Imagine in vanilla if you were level 10 and got introduced to this and it took an entire bag.

I honestly still feel like the fundamental problem here is item level. This idea of having the same item many times where getting a good piece of loot can feel reminiscent of a defeat because you didn’t get the right version. The old system sort of solved this but honestly…

I’m tired of farming Neltharus in the vain hope of getting the trinket I want and knowing well that even if I get it it won’t be the best version…

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I try not to this early in the morning :rofl:

Ive largely avoided M+ this season, preferring to do open world content (hence my ilvl of 416), but the gearing paths are pretty decent this time. I also keep forgetting about the Catalyst, i guessing i should pay that a visit soon although i have my tier set

Prefered valor as pve currency. Just make it obtainable from raids too. No tier stuff, just plain valor.

Let people enjoy whatever content they like, while still work towards so called end-game gear albeit at different speeds.

Except for all the times the vault gives literal trash.

You still have a Guaranteed chance at an upgrade. Its never been anything else.

I mostly like it. But some things I dislike.

What I LOVE of the system:

The fact that there is a point at which you are fully equipped. I enjoy raiding. I enjoy M+. I hate to chase the epixz all the time. Its fun at the begining of the season, it gets boring and frustrating after that.

I like that 1 month after the patch im fully geared and can just log in and play. No sims, no nothing. Just play.

Granted maybe this patch it was a bit to fast, and a nerf is warranted. But not by much. Its almost 90% there.

What I HATE of the system:

The dichotomy of Raiding vs. M+ in gearing. Look, lets be honest here. Stop it with carrot epix in raids to incentivize people.

Its NOT fun to wipe for 2 raid nights on a boss ALL season. The concept of raid “progression” is outdated. It needs to change.

Its NOT fun that after clearing HC there literally is nothing to do because creating and maintaining a mythic roster of EXACTLY 20 people is actually harder than the raid itself. Its like a 2nd job to manage that.

To justify keeping a zombie system that has not changed since WotlK on life support, there must be special pieces in the raid (namely Tier sets and OP trinkets). STOP this.

Just make ALL raid difficulties flex, and apply an infinitely scalable raiding difficulty (like M+). Raiding should be fun, period. Not some chore you need to do to get that OP trinket.

Thats my take at least.

From my own perspective; I would never do that content, no matter what my ilvl was.
I mean; I could probably easily do mythic dungeons with my current gear, but I never do anything beyond heroic.

I agree.

Yeah with 425 ilvl you can even time +20, if you play well

why do you need max item lvl gear to kill a random pig in the open world?


You don’t, but the feeling of progression afforded to players currently just sort of… ends after only a couple weeks if all you do is open world content. It’s natural to want your time invested to make the challenges / gameplay you face a little bit easier every week, especially with blizzard shifting away from single player tuned group content towards scaling world events like researchers and time rifts.

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Why do you need to know?

Also this:

I, too, think that this system is much better than what we had in the past. I hope they don’t mess it up in some way


As I wrote above - it would be ncie to have some kind of progression, but nothing more.
World content players don’t need mythic ilvl gear for anything.

Althought I get your point I think that people who are doing world content don’t need aspect crests. They don’t really need mythic ilvl for anything they are doing(they don’t even need normal ilvl gear, but still - it’s just for the progression).

I mean, plenty of people are farming M+/mythic raids for the chance of one piece of gear every week. One more bonus item per 2-3 weeks seems like a great bonus also.
Anyway, just because they were 441ilvl 2 weeks after the patch that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t like to get a ceratin 441ilvl item from the world content just for the sake of having the highest possbile upgrade for the current progression.

But the question still stands - why would someone, who do not raid mythic or do high m+ keys, need mythic ilvl gear? That would be unfair. They don’t need mythic ilvl gear to actually kill the world mobs 0,5s faster.
Heroic ilvl is highest I could advocate. Proposing items with a higher(mythic) ilevel just from the world content only shows that someone is lazy and thinks, that just because they pay the same amount of money to play, they deserves the same as people who actually make an effort. It would be highly unfair.

Then the HC ilvl cap would be excellent. It wouldn’t make players who are raiding and doing high m+ keys think that they need to farm the world content also. Which wouldn’t lead to the fast burn-out.

I disagree; we DO need it; but for different reasons than what YOU think gear is for.

Again disagree.

Ellipsis already explained it:

Now; to be clear; I’m not suggesting world content players should be mythic ilvl geared just like that. It should take a long time (basically all season long) and even then it shouldn’t be viable to get all of your gearslots to that level; maybe… 4 pieces or so.

The main idea is NOT for world content players to walk around in full mythic sets. The main idea is for them to have something to work towards throughout a season.
And not be done after a few weeks and feel that their content is now completely obsolete.

You wrote “plenty of reason”, but I don’t see any.

World content players do not require highest ilvl gear possible for literally anything.

And I already answered to Ellipsis with my comment:

Then you would also agree that the full heroic ilvl gear would be enough for the world content?

I think this is an experiment and we’ll either see it return with some fine tuning or it will just be a thing for this tier.