[10.1.5] Current Gearing System is the BEST one yet!

Then you’re refusing to accept MY reasons:

Is a reason.

Is a reason.

Is a reason.

You don’t need to agree with those reasons; they’re not YOUR reasons, they’re MY reasons. To claim you didn’t see any is disengenuous.

Well, that depends on your point of view.
Like Ellipsis said; Blizzard has been making more and more world content based on having or needing groups. That’s not what a lot of world content players want or like.

So either THAT would have to change, or we should be able to earn higher gear so that we can solo that content.

The combination of ‘needing a group for lots of the content’ + ‘the rewards of that content are just not worth the effort’ makes for the current state of ZC: Empty, except for a short while on wednesdays.

Maybe; I don’t know because I haven’t been able to try if that’s enough.
But again; the ilvl is NOT the point.
The point is: having something to work towards throughout a season.

Why would this be unfair?

There is that word again, Unfair.
You and i both know that HC raids and M+16s are a joke. Its not hard content at all.
In what way does another person, that you are unlikely to ever meet, having good gear affect your gameplay?

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You wrote almost the same two things as different reasons and the third one is clearly connected to the first(and the second one) - which leads us to the conclusion:
Having some kind of a progression through out the season is fun:

Of course and I totally agree with it! People should be able to grind as much as they want. But… there’s a second side of the story. Making world content drop mythic ilvl gear would force players(or most of them) to actually also farm it! Which would lead to the faster burn-out.

So my solution is simple: give world content players some kind of progression in their gear, but cap it at the heroic ilvl, so the other players wouldn’t feel forced to actually farm them, because they are already farming many other things.

As I wrote - it would give world content players something to do, while not harming the others. :smiley:

Because people who have higher ilvl gear actually put some effort to get it.
They learned their classes, the boss mechanics, they are cooperating with other players. It actually requires more than just killing 5 boars.

We are not talking about World content dropping Mythic Ilvl gear, No one ever said that. The gear would drop at the same level it does now, it would be upgradeable over the course of a season to the same level as mythic. It would have NO impact to a Raider or an M+ player as there are MUCH easier ways to get the same loot faster.

Not really.
People would be still doing the world content for a small chance of upgrade and that’s a fact.

If the HC raid and M+16 are a joke then I recommend doing them instead of world content. :blush:

Stop saying that nonsense.
It would require LOADS of grinding and time to earn even 1 piece.
So no, it’s NOT worth it for anyone who engages with higher end content whatsoever. Complete waste of time.

Your logic doesn’t add up.
What you really mean to say is: ‘while not harming mythic raiders or top end M+ers’.
Because the reasoning you’re using (even though it’s faulty reasoning), would just as much apply to players at the ‘normal’ and ‘heroic’ raid level.
Forcing THEM to do world content is okay then?

THAT is what you’re saying with that logic: That mythic players matter, but normal and heroic players don’t.

But like I said; your reasoning is flawed.
The gear would take a long time and a lot of grinding to upgrade. The best way to get that kind of level of gear is still by doing raid or high m+ content.

Think of it this way:

You get to eat a 4 course meal made by a 5 star chef during a night of fine dining.

World content players would get to eat fast food and over the course of many weeks and months be able to upgrade a small part of their meal to 5 star food items.

And this affects your gameplay how? Do you walk around Valdrakken inspecting peoples gear then checking their IO and Ratings?
How does this detract from your achievements? Does it in someway make you unhappy?

No they wouldnt because the items that drop from world content are the same ilvl they have always been but instead of dropping at 437 and being upgradeable 4 times, they drop at (i dont know what it is right now) 398 and are upgradeable 14 times.
No mythic+ player is ever going to stop doing +16s to go do a world quest so that they can then farm more world quests to upgrade an items over the next 3 weeks. it just wouldnt happen.

Thats what people that like that content do. People that dont like it would now also have something to do.
Ultimately the only reason to be against a change like this is that you feel it diminishes your achievements somehow.

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I mean… depends on the slot / item. I don’t even have a 447 item for every slot, even if I had some slow crawl to 447 available for a single item by this point in time I’d have been incentivised to do it if that item was particularly good or covered a slot I would otherwise struggle to cover.

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Well yeah, and whether that’s worth it would be up to each individual player.
But at least the choice and the option would be there.

At the moment I am doing LFR every week to earn upgrades for gear that dropped in world content. I am basically ‘forced’ to become a raider - even though its at LFR level.

I don’t enjoy that. But I like upgrading my character; so I’m doing this thing that I don’t like. I would very much prefer if they would allow me to get those 3 wyrm crests through weekly world content activities; the end result (in terms of gear level) would be the same, but I would actually be having fun upgrading my gear.

They have made LFR into a chore for me.
Exactly what they wanted to avoid, right? That’s why they removed all this ‘mandatory’ stuff to do.

Just out of interest (and a lack of understanding by me) what kind and how many crest can you get each week in world content?

I would also prefer this, I find the loophole to personally be a little dumb and as you know I have a character I’ve been using it on for my own amusement as well. However that gets you 437s, not 447s, so my question I guess would be is it more preferable to get 437s at a faster rate or a very small number of 447s across a patch cycle.

You can get 3-4 drake crests from weekly sources +2 more [removed*] from spinosa in loam. You can also get 1 drake fragment per rare but that’s too low to be feasible.

You can get 3 wyrm crests from your vault for declining an item if you complete 7 LFR bosses. Not world content but doable. This is your only source of wyrm crests.

And ofc you get as many whelpling crests as you want.

Oh I’m not sure about the numbers. But I think you can earn around… 4, maybe 5 drake crests, I think.

You can’t earn wyrm through world content. But you can do LFR and take the coins instead of any of the rewards, with which you can then buy 3 Wyrm crests - if you did 7 LFR bosses.

The number of whelpling crests is irrelevant since those are obsolete VERY fast (unless you have a fresh alt that’s going there). But whelpling crest fragments drop the most.


So it wouldnt be difficult for Blizz to put some sort of cap on this so that World players could earn a certain amount of upgrade levels per reset.

I think if they want to increase player retention and encourage more players this would be a good way to go about it.

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I was not aware of that. Still not sure what that bug is exactly; but ‘counting on it’ for crests sounds ‘dangerous’.

No; all my gear is done with drake at the moment. All I need is wyrms.

All they’d really have to do is move the “Pity wyrm crests” off the vault vendor and put them somewhere in the world.

Indeed. And frankly, I’m not sure why they haven’t done so from the start.
They’re breaking their own ‘new rules’ by making LFR ‘mandatory’ for world content players. It’s not hard; but it’s just not fun. It’s the exact equivalent of ‘a chore’.

Mmmmh sounds like an exploit. I wouldn’t make use of that bug.
But it’s moot anyway; don’t need any more drakes.

But thanks for the explanation. :blush:

I wonder if the HC megadungeon will drop them when it comes out, the Mythic one drops aspect crest fragments so maybe they will add them for the HC.