10.2 Assasination

Not really sure what to make about it , Blizzard talks about AoE problems etc then goes on to (seemingly) cripple the biggest AoE Crimson tempest by removing its instant damage component and will do reduced damage beyond 5 targets ( is 8 right now ). They’ve also gutted indescriminate carnage to only hit 3 mobs and thats only if used from stealth :astonished: . The buffs from stealth really need to disappear or pushed to PVP only and has no place in PVE content ( spiteful anyone ).

Sudden Demise looks interesting - if i understand that corrent - mobs under 35% auto start bleeding with an instagib component.

Caustic splatter is a weird one , in an aoe situation you willprobaly be using FOK for Combo points, certainly not mutilate. Perhaps a bit extra AoE damage in Single target situations.

Exsanguinate: A passive and an active version - Passive version whilst above 100 energy Garrote, Rupture, and Crimson Tempest consume 8 Energy to duplicate 40% of any damage dealt.

write it there. omg no one looking here

What about double Vanish I think Assa deserves it. Why only sub. And healing in the shadow should be passive


Vanish and cloak of shadows both used to be on 1min cd. And it felt great. MOP/WOD memories anyone?

Bring back:

  • Vendetta
  • Burst of Speed
  • Recuperate (the finisher, not the joke Recuperator)
  • Preparation
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Preparation and Recuperate sound so good :slight_smile:

Vendetta was horrible. Just because Deathmark isn’t good, doesn’t mean we should go back to something equally bad, but older. Personally, I think Shadow Blades, but with a Poison Theme (would scale with Mastery), would be a good fit for Sin. I don’t think Shadow Blades is at all necessary for Sub, as that Spec has more than enough Buttons and Tools without it.

Burst of Speed would be great, and I’d argue it would fit well in the Class Tree, possibly on a choice node with a Sprint Buff Talent. Long as the Duration, Energy Cost and Cooldown were balanced well, this ability would be a perfect fit for the Class.

Recuperate is an odd one. It’s very effective, and in a way, it kinda fits with the idea of Opportunity Cost (you spend Resources for Survivability, instead of dealing Damage), something that feels right for the Rogue. I actually like Recuperate more, than Leeching Poison as a concept, because it’s an Active Ability you use, instead of just a Passive Effect. The idea of a Poison somehow Healing you, that never made much sense mechanically either.

Preparation is one of those things, that it feels a bit like cheating, which is very much the point, and very fitting for the Rogue Toolkit. However, Prep. is redundant, if there are any kind of Cooldown Reduction effects in play. Personally, I think Outlaw is the only Spec, where CDR effects feel fitting. Both Sin and Sub feel better, when their Big Buttons aren’t pressed rotationally, but instead, when timing is meaningful.

CDR makes pressing buttons feel less valuable overall, and it flattens the Damage Profile. You simply can not have great Burst, if it’s available all the time. This is why Shadow Dance doesn’t feel exciting to use anymore, nor does Shadow Blades. Without any CDR, those abilities would feel powerful again. This also applies to Utility Abilities. If they are available always, there is no Right Time to use them, there is no difference between someone using their abilities well, and someone wasting them. There is no way to become better, because it doesn’t matter.

Without any CDR mechanics, I think Preparation could be a fun and interesting Ability, but it has no room with any Spec, that can lower the CD of their Abilities.

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