10.2 Druid customization expanded

Hello, good morning, good evening or good night, whatever fits the most when this is read.

I’ve never really played Moonkin / Balance druid, but I have to say, Blizz truly outdid themselves with the customization of the Moonkin form in patch 10.2 for our big lazer chickens.

However, that makes our other (combat) forms a bit lacking / outdated, in my opinion atleast. With that said, I truly belive that Blizzard have the potential of making similar customization for Cat Form and Bear Form aswell, making us able to define our forms in a way that makes them as unique as the the other classes can be with transmogs and other character customization.
That said, keeping the racial differences in the forms, long ears for the Night Elves, tusks for the troll races, horns and antler for the Tauren and Highmountain, Drust for the Kul’Tiran and dinosaur for the Zandalari.
So my idea for this would be something like this:

Cat Form:

  • Bobtail. With or without tuft as option.
  • Cut off / Damaged, 50% of the regular / current tail. No tuft option.
  • Regular, the current tail. With or without tuft as option.
  • Long, 33% longer tail. No tuft option, think cougar tail.

•Fur pattern

  • None
  • Stripes
  • Spots
  • Circles

•Mane / Hair

  • None
  • Short
  • Medium
  • Long


  • Regular. Current race option. With or without tuft as option.
  • Damaged.

•Eye color / Glow

  • Same options as your race
  • Option to have one / both eye(s) blinded as the character option.


  • None
  • Different types of scars and / or damges.


  • None
  • Collars / straps
  • Feathers, braided in the hair or on collars / straps.
  • Stones, attached to straps / trings kind of like the ones on the Moonkin.
  • Symbols / Tattoo / Markings options, fitting to the race or Druid.


  • Regular
  • Claws attachment similar to that of the Fangs of Ashamane.

Some changes instead of hair / fur could be leafs or grass for the Kul’Tirans or scales / spikes for the Zandalari instead of the tuft option for ears and / or tail that the other races have. Keeping the same fur / skin color options as the race you’re currently playing to be able to recognise them fast combined with the racial differeces.

As bears don’t have the same diversity as cats have, and keeping it to the theme of Guardian I belive more defensive option could be made.

Bear Form:
•Eye color / Glow

  • Same options as your race
  • Option to have one / both eye(s) blinded as the character option.

•Scars / Damage

  • None
  • Many types of scars and / or damages to combine.

•Armor tints

  • Light
  • Medium
  • Dark
  • Same as other but with signs of wear / use.

•Head Armor

  • None
  • Bark
  • Stone
  • Bone

•Back armor

  • None
  • Bark
  • Stone
  • Bone

•Leg armor

  • None
  • Bark
  • Stone
  • Bone


  • Feathers attached to armor / or fur.
  • Collars / straps, on armor or fur.
  • Stones, similar to the Moonkin option.
  • Symbols / Tattoos either on the armor or the fur / skin.

And keeping the racial differences as the ears, tusks and horn.
For Drust I’m thinking the armor options could be fused with twigs and the Zandalari could have diffent styles of backplates for their form, combined with different tails, think a club on the tail or spiked tail option.

Something like this and with the updated texture we can see on the Dreamtalon (Cat Raptor) Travel Form in patch 10.2 could really be a good kind of customization to make our forms different from each other yet keeping the racial atributes that make them unique to their significant race.

And please, if Blizzard decide to make something like thus, please let the person behind the making of the Dreamtalon design make the Cat Forms atleast, looks amazing :smiley:

Tanks for reading, please comment with ideas, feedback or anyrhing.


I love these ideas, I do wonder if the Moonkin is a test bed for further stuff in the future. All I hope is that we can keep some of our racial appearances. I’m a Kul Tiran for example and would like to have add-ons that match my wicker-bear form. Would be great if these weren’t race locked though, if you help the Kul Tirans, you should have access to them too :smiley:.

Edit: it has occurred to me, are there any customisations for the other Moonkin forms like the KT Wicker-Man form?

I have not seen any Drust/Kul’Tiran options for the other forms tho.

I agree, racial options shoukd be kept, atleast for the races that have them as of now. Later on they might not add them, but I hope they do as more races can be druids tho.

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Although I absolutely love these ideas, I do feel a sense of being greedy. Out of all classes, we seem to be catered to the most when it comes to the visual updates.

I’d be envious in what we’re getting in 10.2, and that’s without your suggestions! :smiley: (can’t wait for moonkin customization) well overdue.

I’ll tell you what I’d like!

Glyph of stars to transfer to all forms. I’d like a glowy bear.
KThanksBye. :smiley:

I don’t think that it’s really the case that druids get catered to more than others, the fact is we have zero transmog for 90% of the time we play which is why this customisation option essentially is our version of transmog. Although I do agree we did just get a ton of new stuff so we are unlikely to see anything else for quite some time.

The main one for me is let every one get a glyph for the mage tower bear form, it’s kinda ridiculous and punishing to players that didn’t play during legion to be like no you can’t have this old content when I cannot think of literally any other visual like that in the entire game.

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I agree with everything you said. But you can do TW mage tower to get reskin of original mage tower bear form. It is also lot easier to do than original was.

Instant flying and looting while mounted, increased swim speed, unlimited breath, stealth, more glyphs than any class in the game, customization for all our forms, only class that has 4 specs, can play all roles, including range or melee DPS.

Idk, I feel like Druid is definitely one of the more catered and loved classes :slight_smile: I’m not complaining. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy playing it, because it’s got a lot of ease and quality of life abilities.

As op said it would be awesome with customization for all forms the new boomi is great. Hope the person who made the new owl flight form does some more druid stuff bcause the flight animation and more is just so great wish the legion form used the same rig :smiley:

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