10.2 feral dps is so low

What is wrong with the feral spec, in pve? since 10.2 is up, feral dps is incredible low. Every key i made i just beat the tank, other dps , are with milions over me. Dh is from another planet. BRH, 20+ , i made 195 milions, and DH 370? what is the meaning of this? what have you done to feral? Even with the new talents is shameful. You blizzard broke feral, even do was the stupid class at dps in 10.1.5, but it was ok for me. SInce 10.2 is so lame…


I’ve asked for a refund om my pre purchase of the new xpac, absolutely no point continuing with the state of ferals as they are.


You are only allowed to be mediocre at best. It has been like this for years and I don’t know what the reasoning behind it is but it’s demoralizing, demotivating and plain stupid. One of the least popular specs in the game but not allowed to be good. Almost every single tier the same dumpster.

We finally somewhat had a niche in season 1 where our AoE was pretty good. Feral finally gets invited into keys and is somewhat good, except for terrible single target but it was ok as long as we had a strong niche (AoE), and guess what, they nerf the spec within 1 season. And the reason is absolutely hilarious: internal testing/numbers shows blabla (can’t argue with the geniuses of the balance team) but also “based on community feedback” Haha can you believe that? “Community feedback”. Feral, the spec that has been dog since forever, one of the least popular specs and community feedback is part of the reason for the nerf? WHAT COMMUNITY FEEDBACK? The FOTM’rs that chose the wrong class? All the groups that never played with a Feral because noone actually plays Feral? (If we even get invited). Or the Feral community themselves? Yeah I’m sure they would argue for nerfs to a spec that almost noone plays and is never top dog.

Also nice talent choices where there’s almost no room for choice and variation.

You have my thumbs up, it’s the only way to let them know but as for the bigger picture I doubt they would care since noone plays the spec and it’s probably just more comforting for them to not have to put effort in the spec. I resubbed a couple of weeks ago just to get my 3K M+ but besides the fact that it’s almost impossible to get into high key groups as Feral, I already unsubbed again when 10.2. launched. Not gonna play this dumpster fire anymore until they finally recognize and fix the issues with the spec. Especially considering the strength users will ofcourse get their legendary this season and when there’s still a thing called Aug Evokers, so we’re probably even more unwanted and condemned to the lower regions of the DPS meter (as where we belong according to Blizzard).


who hired this developers? they are blind , they have some problems with this fixes? Jesus, continuing like this , ppl will delete this game. Does nobody see that some classes are not ok? Its so blady easy to notice this. Anyway im sick of this game, dissapointed. I hope the blizzard stuff will put some glasses

Well, my threat only lasted about 16 hours, then I realised I only needed to explore the new zone to get flight form back… that was enough to sucker me back in for a little longer. Just something soothing about epic flight form.

Feral is awful in PvP as well and i been here on forums for a long time trying to convey this.
Both in PvP in PvE it seems.
Im so tired how feral emerges half way done design wise from every expansion and then they try to do corrections on it on the go and depending on luck changes are good or bad but for what i have seen its mostly bad outcomes.
And im sick and tired of waiting for the next patch for it to get better and then the next patch turns into the next patch and its still badly designed and this next patch turns into the next expansion like i want to ask:
How long do we as a community have to wait until this dev team gets it right because im getting old?


i think i ll go boomy, don`t have another choise, at least boomy is S tier, this patch… feral will be on vacation for now, and forever, perhaps.

I’m wearing full Hellbloom with glad rings and neck etc, all enchanted… sitting on approx 40% versa and 50% mastery in BG’s and still dying to to damage that barely even puts a scratch on others, whilst only being able to tickle my opponent, if I can even get close enough.

Regrowth still Garbage, heals me for 30k, even the survivability is sooooo trash

Feral is like, u use Incar, it does big damage, after this, u just spam cyclone to get frenzy proc, because everything else does Zero dmg, and they nerfed our energy reggen with dragonflight even more what a bad and lame designe

literally clueless :clown_face: team where is responsible for feral changes

We don’t want to start with the normal druid tree… this tree looks like a Abomination and still stucks in the Alpha


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