10.2 please BUFF hpal DPS

HPALs need substantially more mana for way less dps than other healers. Also they have to stand melee.

When being able to do 60k dungeon dps as resto shaman or disc priest for no mana cost (resto shaman, disc needs a bit more) of their damage abilities, then the current state of hpals is very imbalanced compared with it.

Nerfs went in in Shadowlands because of Ashen Hollow. Now FINALLY PLEASE REVERT them with 10.2

They literally redesigned the whole damn class, asking for reverting of a nerf from years ago is laughable.

No it isnt, because your statement is false for the dps abilities. They didnt redesign CS, SotR or Consecration. Also the talent tree isnt different from old legendary bonusses.

Compared to other healer classes, sure, hpal performs great in overall M+ because of utility and instant casts. But it performs worse than any other healer in terms of dps. By far!

So what? Not reverting the nerfs made for Ashen Hollow on other abilities is ok, if they buff them otherwise. But buff or revert nerf is essential.

Healers aren’t supposed to DPS.

Healers dps since MoP and probably earlier… Your opinion is ok but nobody listens to it

You replying to me contradicts that very statement.

I don’t want more Augvokers or discipline priests. The less battle and/or dps healers we have, the better.

u know there is always downtime in heal, even more when u can just heal them up in one gcd. So dps will never be not a thing. If u want to play idle game then dont go harder content

As a person who actually plays hpala since wrath and main from legion, healers should do okey dps, df have been the least fun so far for me and other main healers i have talked with. Even in PvP other healer specs does alot more dmg or brings an bonus to the dps players. Holy pala is super boring.
Been playing ret paladin support spec for 20/22 key carrys for gold whatever affix every week, hope they let healers have fun again

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