11.0 broke some MoP Remix Reps

Not sure if this has already been brought to light, been trying to look for it in the U.S. Forums to see if it’s been reported.

Ever since the 11.0 update, some reputation (not all) such as the “Domination Offensive” got regressed to lower points.

Now any returning players looking forward to play the remix for some of the rewards, won’t be able to do so in time due to the nerf.


Same issue here, hard stuck because of this on the Domination offensive part during Landfall Storyline.

After years coming back to WoW and you wanna benefit from MoP remix you get stuck because of a bug. Hope they fix it before the event ends

Same issue here.
This should be fixed ASAP since it completely blocks some of the progress in Remix.

Although, sadly, I didn’t see it being talked about a whole lot so the blizz QA team (or what’s left of it) might not even know about this issue.
I bet their focus is entirely on War Within + pre-patch event. Tragic.

I hope to be proven wrong tho :crossed_fingers:

Same for me, finished everything but completely stuck on landfall. I grind daily’s everyday and hand in charms but its barely enough I will never get exalted before remix ends. I really hope they fix this, I saved all the bronze specially for all the class armours.

This is a known issue they are looking into, hopefully you’ll get a fix soon.

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