AR breaks stealth, Bladeflurry randomly dropping, Deft Maneuvers still doesnt apply the 100% bonus dmg
Lucky Coin still randomly doesnt apply, so we are forced to play without an actual hero talent for several minutes at times.
Putting Supercharger on RTB instead of Vanish is the most braind*ad decision if have seen in a while, do the people that push these changes actually play the god damn spec?
This is ridiculous and its getting worse, we have been plagued with bugs since the rework - its been a year my guys, how am i even paying for this?
Same bugs than in beta, nothing happens?
Who the f- is in charge of our class and how is he still stealing paychecks?
How can a triple A company drop an old patch with ptr changes, bringing back all those bugs?
ProtPala is completely broken - what am i watching?
BF is also repoted to drop off after an Ace proc in crackshot window, which is ridiculous.
I mean, I also have written these on the Customer Support forum as I doubt anyone at Blizzard reads Rogue forums, at this point we gave up meaningful hero talents and spec balance and we are just asking for bug fixes to be able to play properly, which is pathetic.
At one point, the discussion on the Rogue DC was about how can you re-introduce the already fixed bugs if, for example, you use Git with a proper workflow and branching strategy, and it was hillarious.
I am a SW dev myself, with more than 20 years of experience, and this is a kind of sh1tshow I haven’t personally seen before.