11.1 changes, really? (pvp)

  • Developers’ notes: Currently Frost and Unholy Death Knights are incredibly survivable often boasting lower death rates then tanks and far above any other specs in the game. From a fantasy perspective it makes sense for Death Knights to be incredibly durable and their kit lends itself well to it, but it currently leans too far in the unkillable direction. We fully expect Death Knight to continue being one of the more survivable specs but this should bring them closer to a more sane level.
    • Veteran of the Third War now increases Stamina by 12% (was 20%), and 6% in PvP combat (was 10%).
    • Null Magic now reduces the magical damage you take by 5% (was 8%), and 3% in PvP combat (was 4%).
    • Permafrost now generates an absorb shield at 30% of your auto attack damage (was 40%).


There is no way devs are not trolling, at this point thats the only option left, their just pure trolling their own company. Doesn’t Microsoft have any supervision over whats going on at WoW?


Yes dk are pretty terrible bad atm, id like to know what feedback they listen to cause ret and hunters are massively brutal in pvp, and they nerf dks xd


Sounds like an april fools joke.


No one plays DK, and even if they play the game they do it on tablets with touchscreens.
remember that article a few years ago?

I ive seen this so many times before, laughable in how blind they truly are, do they actually know how a PvP fight actually works? do they know how little uptime you really have on a skilled caster? or how much you can hit warriors and rogues in the close range dance with sustained hits?..permafrost could do 50% of your auto as absorb shield and it would hardly play a role.

have they actually faced a rogue that has played the class for more than three days?.. evasion hard counters death strike, i recall the times when the pvp talent infusion was still avaliable (gave you double healing on death strikes for 7 secoonds or something), lol just disarm or evasion, it does NOTHING

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Dk heal depends on stamina so its a nerf in healing.

It will become waste of skill point.

Absolute useless talent even if its buffed by 300% never seen someone using it.

Also necrotic wound healing effect removed 1more big big nerf. Its most weakest mortal strike now at least buff it to max 25% like war and dh.


I have no idea why they think DK’s survability is to high.
I barely play DK and I’m still confused.


the intent is clear, a deliberate hateful boot on us, as it always has been years and years past.

stop giving bad people the benefit of the doubt, they count on you doing that.


Sounds like a normal day for DKs nowadays.


Kinda funny that the only thing DK dps are taken to any content right now is because we are a little more tanky towards unavoidable damage, but now with this nerfs we got nothing of any value to be even considered to be taken in any competitive content.

So in short term, Blizzard has finally managed over so many years of smal nerfs here and there has now ended with DK’s entire tool kit both offence and defense to be tuned in a way where we just not good at any thing content wise.

This also reflects perfectly with the lack of raid buff and no rework to Frost and Unholy’s talent tree, we have the most passives in a talent tree that will never be taken because they are simply flawed in design or way undertuned to the point your dealing less damage taking them.

Unholy sins i play this the most is a mess in terms of it’s theme, is it a glorified Frost DK with it’s hard hitting Death Coils and Clawing Shadow?, is it a Disease spec?, or is it a Undead spec?, i don’t know, and i 'm sure as hell Blizzard has no clue at all either, it’s a complete mess of a talent tree, and it should have been split in to 2 new talent trees a long time ago to help it have a better focus on the theme your going for that being Diseases or Undeads.


we all know that cant be done, adding a new spec to the game like that takes away a raid tier and is also extremely hard, it has never been done before and no class has 4 specs, that would be very convenient and easy for class fantas—No…Dont take me away! I must gaslight and never let others know how much love Druids and other favorites get from blizz devs HHRRR!!!

memeing sarcasm aside, i didnt think i could hate blizz devs more than this, over all these years, the Shadowlands debacle when they had to nerf death strike AGAIN due to…??? while convoke was just fiiiine, slap a little limit on it later, a few months after it busted every encounter PvP and PvE.

Oh also! to add insult to injury my autistic memory also remembers every single druid, feral or balance that just runs circles around me spamming /laugh emotes as a DK. They know…they all know why they can do that.

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