11.1 Class Patchnotes

I haven’t seen the patch notes on Hunter in detail, having never created one I wouldn’t even know from reading what kind of changes they are.

For sure regarding the warlock I was at least hoping for changes to the warlock tree. Too many weak and 2-point talents, some talents that are difficult to take such as the unending resolve time reduction. The capstones are always uninspired and one in particular is quite weak

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We did a post about this. I doubt they are listening.

Class Tree:

  • Kil’Jaeden’s Cunning: This needs to be a capstone. It is just a major quality of life change.
  • Shadowfury: Instant shadowfury is something we all ask for. If it’s OP then reduce the distance we can use it or increase it’s CD.
  • Impending Catastrophe: This ability will help us mass aoe our curses. This is another quality of life change that makes sense.
  • Spell Lock: Make it a choice node either on the caster or the pet. Or bring back the Call Felhunter talent. We need an caster based interrupt so we can use our imp dispel or a Voidwalker.


  • Vile Taint: Reduce cooldown so it lines up with agony or increase agony duration.
  • Seed of Corruption: Remove the shard cost or reduce the cast time and increase the radius.
  • Nightfall procs: Allow Drain Soul to channel on the move like it effects instant Shadowbolt. This can be applied to Oblivion.
  • Oblivion: Reduce the shard cost and make do more damage depending on the dots.
  • Shadow of Death & Dark Harvest: Swap the talents. Kalamazi suggested this in a video and it would help with shard gen.


  • Tyrant: Make Tyrant instant cast. Trying to align everything can be a nightmare. The other specs have insta demons.
  • Doomguard: Doombolt volley needs to come back.
  • Hand of Gul’dan: Bring back the proc for an instant HoG.


  • Channel Demonfire: Make it so we can channel this whilst moving. A major quality of life change.
  • Dimensional Rift: This needs to feel impactful and the proc rate for the passive to increase. PLEASE UPDATE THE VISUALS!!! We are still using the graphics from Legion.
  • Soul Fire: The Decimation proc should allow us to instant cast this. It’s not OP and will give more movement to the spec. A reduced cast of 80% just seems pointless for no reason. AGAIN THE VISUALS!! If you have fel fire then it is three blobs of low quality.


  • Allow us to customise our demons like we can with Dragon Mounts. The new skins were great but it feels dropped. Warlocks can customise their demons will make it unique to the player and individual.
  • Demon Utility: Make our core demons impactful and for us to use in certain situations. In end game content we’re left with the felhunter or felguard (demo) which makes the others pointless.

it would be crucial to have instant shadowfury for destruction and affliction, and I don’t think it can be over kill as there are several excessive things in this game that put us in serious difficulty.

It would also be enough for me if instead of aoe it was a stun instant on a single target and therefore without a reticle.

KC as a capstone would be great!

On the graphics of the dimensional rift: I don’t remember in which patch of TWW but it has already been “improved”, in fact it is not the same graphics as legion but it has only had a restyle in HD which however has not improved it much, and the fact that you didn’t notice the change…

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They are still the same. We have the portal animations for our demons and have abilities but this is still old pixels.

It looks like the same spell graphically, but it was changed a few patches ago. If you look a video you can see the “difference” between the two versions, but even in a comparison video it is almost zero difference. Old spell is a little more pixeled

I’m starting to feel like you do, Xanatas. The poor visuals and little changes that anyone asked for and I feel like we’re being forgotten on purpose.

On the dimensional rift: the patch note explained that the cast of the spell had been changed, but in a video I perfectly remember seeing the comparison between the old version and the new one. The new version appeared only slightly less grainy than the old one, even in game I didn’t notice the difference.

Still on the graphic topic, the thing that leaves me very perplexed is not so much the fact that some spells are not modified graphically and that practically everyone asks to be modified. The point is that many of these are already present in the game and used by mobs. Surely I’ll write on the forum for years to kindly modify the shadowbolt and then see the magus of the dk who have a perfect shadowbolt…

However, the other thing I don’t understand is why some spells have made them decidedly uglier over time, for example vanilla’s immolate is personally light years better than the current one. Same thing for the animations, the old Undead movements especially in the cast were wonderful

Yeah. It doesn’t make sense. Channel Demonfire had great visuals on our Aberrus tier set yet we still have the same green blobs we’ve always had.

It’s the attention to detail and the QoL that really show a customer base that you care. Bringing everyone’s graphics, and at least having the option with glyphs for the old style, helps retain customers.

Or at the very least acknowledge your community.

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inb4 blizzard takes away Affliction’s demons “bc we want to optimise aff’s damage through grim sac”.

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at least we dont have any set bonus with , " your shadowbolt does % more dmg " XD

Some forum posts both EU and NA mention a part/raid buff. I say make our curses the extra buff we bring to M+ & Raids. We have these cool abilities and they are s@&t!!

Empower our curses as well. I think I am running out of copium.

I read the new changes in ptr 11.1, essentially a nerf in the demonology and destruction bonus sets. They still don’t indicate a percentage in the proc rate, so I can’t indicate how much the nerf is for Demonology. For the rest, looking quickly, I read about some visual updates for other classes and the usual buffs to the ice lance.

The drain life damage should have been doubled again. I would like to point out that the current drain life problem is NOT JUST the damage, but the mechanics itself.

The only way to make the spell useful against melee in 2025 is to make it instant, with a CD, perhaps using a soul shard, in order to make it a DOT which, while it does damage, transfers life to the warlock. But the healing portion must be important.

The basic problem of the warlock is the impossibility of the draintank against melee, and those few seconds in which he takes yards from the melee it makes no sense to stay still in one point using a channeling of approximately 4.x sec

Just bring back some kind of curse of elements. It’s easy and a nice buff

Someone in the NA forums pointed out we’re missing a Felhunter skin. Or am I being dumb?

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Having also read it, it would seem that in the ideas there was also a further lighter gray skin for the Felhunter. However, reading in the EU and US forum, they all complain a bit about the tankyness of the warlock and his “permashield”. Then if you always read in the two forums, various topics from warlocks denouncing the lack of efficiency of our defensive players.

I don’t understand why they complain about the warlock’s defenses, in the last expansion I made 2400+ in soloshuffle, in this expansion I had to avoid some PvP game modes precisely because of the constant anxiety and nervousness that each arena brought me. Among other things, I would add that of all the casters, the one I feel best against and often win are the warlocks (especially destruction and affliction).

For me, the warlock’s defenses are much weaker than in the past.

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If it’s of interest, I did some various tests in PTR 11.1:

Affliction is more or less the same, in fact it’s exactly the same. The first set bonus is good because it guarantees haste, the second of the unstable spread is not bad but I would have honestly preferred something else. Unfortunately it was the spec that was supposed to have the most changes and tweaks and to date it has not received any changes or tweaks

Destruction has some changes for QOL but nothing more as far as I’m concerned, unfortunately the set bonus requires the use of the demonfire channel in all game situations

Demonology is the spec that received more changes than the other two, but it was easy to get more from the other two specs. There are two very funny things, the first is that demonic core generation between “new” Doom (now time reduced by HOG and 30% chance to generate a core with talent) and set bonuses is very high. So high that sometimes you don’t even have to cast shadowbolts, and in this it almost resembles the demonic core frequency in Shadowlands. It’s very funny because they went from “demonic cores must be momentum” to an even higher frequency than not only at the beginning of TWW, but also Dragonflight. The second thing I find funny is that Demonology was the spec that least needed changes

A very important thing in PvP is the fact that you can put Drain Life back on the bar, which especially combined with Soulburn becomes a good defensive player thanks to not bad healing and an excellent final shield. I don’t know how long it will last, we know how it works, but the fact that the Drain Life has been made so massive should give the idea of ​​the fact that evidently the warlock’s defenses are not as OP as many write

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Regarding PvP and the introduction of Bloodstone as a PvP talent I have many fears.

It won’t be possible to take it together with Pact of Gluttony, so it can only be used once in combat and the cooldown will restart as soon as you exit combat (I think Night Elf with shadowmeld will be greatly helped).

In this way, if someone could dare to go to the arena with the Bloostone instead of the Healthstone, they will think about it even more. The concern arises from the fact that it will be a clear talent for rated bg/blitz, where the warlock is already very strong… having a self bloodlust of 30% objectively becomes too much, and I wouldn’t want that following the obvious complaints instead of reviewing the talent or remove it, they will tend to nerf the class in something

Check out this guys art station. He created the visual for the pit lord. This is not what we are getting in retail.

After doing other tests, practically in Demonology the shadowbolt has become “a momentum”! On a 5+ minute target dummy, I cast 4 shadowbolts which contributed 0.1% total damage. To better understand the comparison, I cast 85 Demonobolts in the same time!

In practice, if things remain like this, also given the loss of the bonus on the shadowbolts of the season 1 set, Sargerai Tecniques can easily be skipped in the Warlock tree and invested elsewhere. Considering the excellent healing of Drain Life and the possible large shield with Soulburn, in my opinion it is very convenient to take Resolute Barrier in order to have more Unendind Resolve and therefore greater possibilities of drain-free.

They will definitely change something when the patch comes out, we’ll see

Fresh class tuning in ptr 11.1, try to not cry…

Spoiler: no warlock change, but huge buff at some classes

edit: new animation for warrior, and we continue with low res spell since 20 years :frowning: