So what do you think about the 11.1 patch notes?
No real Affliction changes is such a disappointed
So what do you think about the 11.1 patch notes?
No real Affliction changes is such a disappointed
Affliction is a big disappointment. The passive changes are a step in an…err direction.
They need to also look at our class tree. I’m actually disappointed. The forums have given them so many ideas and yet the person making the changes seems to have little to no clue.
Let’s hope inhales massive copium there are more changes to come. We, as a Warlock community, need to unite on our position to want decent changes instead of attacking each other.
I don’t get why Malefic Rapture is still a thing…
No surprise. Instead of actually reworking useless/dead talents they focus on doom and bloodstones. Lol
So I guess locks remain the underdogs of solo shuffle then.