11.1 Class Patchnotes

So what do you think about the 11.1 patch notes?

No real Affliction changes is such a disappointed :frowning:

Affliction is a big disappointment. The passive changes are a step in an
err direction.

They need to also look at our class tree. I’m actually disappointed. The forums have given them so many ideas and yet the person making the changes seems to have little to no clue.

Let’s hope inhales massive copium there are more changes to come. We, as a Warlock community, need to unite on our position to want decent changes instead of attacking each other.


I don’t get why Malefic Rapture is still a thing

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No surprise. Instead of actually reworking useless/dead talents they focus on doom and bloodstones. Lol

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So I guess locks remain the underdogs of solo shuffle then.

The craziest thing is the introduction of the PvP talent Bloodstone. It’s absurd because it doesn’t help the warlock in the arena or shuffle in the most absolute way. No one in their right mind would take away the Demonic Healthstone which in addition to healing gives you 20% more life to take a talent that only gives you one lust (it is not possible to take pact of glutony if you take bloodstone).

So this will become a must-have talent from RBG/Blitz. Which is where the warlock is currently one of the strongest damage producing classes. This will naturally result in people complaining even more towards the “pvp” warlock and will follow a sure nerf that will fall on the class to rebalance a situational PvP talent

The Warlock tree was not touched in the slightest, and in our opinion it was the priority.

Affliction once again is totally untouched except with minimal changes that will not improve playability. Not even a change to the VT CD that the community has been requesting for years. I’ll give up on Malefic Rapture now, it will remain forever

Demonology practically identical, and with the bonus set (powerful) we add more demons to the already 256 summonable demons. Ok “master summoners”, but

Two things are funny: the first is that months ago “the Demonbolt must be a momentum” and over time now it has returned in frequency as before and with the bonus set we will also have other procs given that the “jackpot” dog once exhausted gives a demonic core. The second is that the Doom was changed 34 times from the original concept, then returning to the original Doom and the synergy with the HOG

Destruction has some nice stuff that will probably help in PvE, but not in PvP

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at least soul rot is sustaining, kinda.

New ptr patch notes released, various changes to graphics, spells, visuals, pvp tune to practically all classes except the warlock




Another disappointment. Something on the way, maybe?

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I honestly don’t have much hope, we are no longer talking about a “middle patch” but about a larger one. As a rule, certain changes to class mechanics and rework talents occur precisely in this type of patch, and the fact that to date there are only small things regarding the warlock should not leave us feeling positive

There are no significant changes coming to Warlock in this patch. Blizzard has stated that they are satisfied with the current state and performance of Warlock. The only changes you can expect are minor adjustments, more like cosmetic tweaks rather than major changes to mechanics.

Im sadden to agree with you but thats the reality yeah.

I haven’t read this comment of theirs. Very good
 anyway it’s sad to see that in a patch note for an early stage PTR, all classes are mentioned except your own (and DH, maybe). Which can even be a good thing these days, since they could always nerf something.

For me, even just a mention of the fact that they modify the low resolution spell visual that we’ve been carrying around for decades would be enough. It’s quite funny to see that in the PTR they managed to graphically improve the magus’s shadowbolts of the unholy dk and not those of the warlock XD

Where have they said this? This is in complete opposition to the Warlock threads general cry for a change in our class tree. To me, this shows wilful disregard for your player base.

I live in hope they will get round to us soon. Investing in updating current graphics should be a bare minimum requirement. Invest in what you have whilst creating something new.

in ptr 11.1, bane of havoc+mayhem don’t work.
Since the new expansion came out, destruction has had this bug

not a bug,its a feature.

among other things, in 11.1 soul rot loses the possibility of having the AOE drain life and without mana

Have you seen the turnaround they’ve done on MM Hunters?

Warlock need to get more organised and flood the PTR discussion boards for our class tree to be reworked and all the suggestions we have. I fear there are not enough of us. A decline in people that play the Class.

Affliction’s new tier set bonus isn’t even working yet in ptr, by the way

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